DC Comics has tapped A Wrinkle in Time director Ava Duvernay to direct a film for them revolving around the New Gods, and this has been greeted with mixed emotions by fans of the...
UPDATED: ViralHare's own William Eguizabal attended Amazing Comic Con in Las Vegas and conducted one of the last known live interviews with Jon Schnepp before he passed away. It was a fun interview and we...
I had the amazing opportunity to catch up with independent film director Thomas Bond, who is currently promoting his upcoming film Brigantia. Bond is the President and CEO of The Biograph Company, as well...
CBS's television show Jericho is a program that has gone down in TV history, it is a cult and fan favorite and was famously brought back from cancellation. The program was well regarded for its use...
The UFC made its first trip to Boise, Idaho this weekend, and they brought with it a spectacular six fight main card. There were a lot of the UFC's biggest and most underappreciated stars...
I finally got a chance to catch Ant-Man and the Wasp in theatres this weekend, and while it has been getting absolutely ruthless reviews since it opened, I have to say that it simply...