It’s 1983, and in the previous years both Conan, The Barbarian (1982), and Clash of The Titans (1981) have both been financially successful at the box office. Star Wars had carved a new niche...
With Batman still under the influence of Punchline’s toxin, Gotham further descends into chaos as new vigilantes emerge from the shadows. Spoilers for Batman #97 follow.
With the first two parts of “Joker War” in...
Wonder Woman and Batman arrive on Apokolips to free as many allies as they can before taking the fight to Perpetua before it’s too late. Spoilers for Dark Nights: Death Metal #3 follow.
After a...
Under the lens takes a deep look at films by focusing in on one or two particular areas of the picture that helped to define it for better or for worse. Spoilers will be included...
The debate continues to rage on what kind if film Batman v. Superman: Dawn Of Justice is. I admit I liked this movie when it first came out. Saw it 6x in theaters. A...
After being attacked by Punchline, Batman is saved by Harley Quinn, but before she can help him, he begins to have a psychotic breakdown. Spoilers for Batman #96 follow.
After what was a relatively lackluster...