Monthly Archives: September, 2024

Well Drawn And Quartered: An Interview With Mark Nelson

Even though you might not know his face or his name doesn't always come to mind in the nerd world, Mark Nelson is a big part of it. An illustrator and educator who has...

Four Color Thrillride : An Interview with Scott Chitwood of Red 5 Comics

Let's say you got tired of the big event of the year reboot /rehash /recast superhero comics of the Big Two. And you love comic books and you want something different, something weird, something...

All’s Well With Authoring: An Interview With Melissa Algood

Melissa Algood is an award-winning author, hairdresser, and well-traveled individual. All that info can be found by reading her bio. Here's a snippet of her bio from her author's website: "Her hometown, Annapolis, inspired...

War of the Welles: An Interview with Milton Lawson

When Orson Welles narrated he nefarious radio play "War of The Worlds" it panicked quite a few citizens. And to this day some see this as the start of fake news.But, what if it...

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