5 Best Moments From The New Wonder Woman Trailer.


The new Wonder Woman trailer that we’ve all been anticipating for has finally dropped and it safe to say it may have permanently broken the internet. Fans have been brimming in excitement to see the heroine in theaters next June and this trailer does nothing but heighten that excitement to all new levels. The trailer has pretty much all new footage and within that new footage is a couple moments that stick out of the bunch. So with that being said here are the five best moments from the newest Wonder Woman trailer.

5) Doctor Poison

Fans have been speculating for months on who exactly Elena Anaya’s character is exactly since the Comic-Con trailer. But this recent trailer might have revealed that Elena Anaya’s character is long time Wonder Woman villain Doctor Poison. Now nothing has been confirmed as of yet but due to some context clues and certain moments in the trailer it a safe bet that she is. For one the long time villain wore a mask or hood that hid her face to disguise her gender and as we can see this woman has a mask on the side of her face which if I’m a betting man is hiding some scars she doesn’t want anyone seeing. Number two the villain has a particular interest in poisons and toxins and as we can see in various moments throughout the trailer poison gas is being experimented on for deadly force to use during the war.

She seems to be particularly interested in the experiment doesn’t she?

I think it safe to say this is indeed Doctor Poison.

4) Batman v Superman Connection

This particular shot is really interesting and reason being is because if you look by the side of Diana on the left there a piece of paper that has a Wayne logo on it. Now rumors have said that Bruce Wayne does have a cameo at some point during the film in present day and this particular little tidbit strengthens that rumor. Now if I were a betting man I think Bruce returns to her this picture of her in World War I that we saw in Batman v Superman when he was scrolling through the metahuman files. If so then it pretty cool and adds to the statement that these movies are closely connected to each other and has a streamlining flow.

3) Wonder Woman Theme At The End.

Do I have to say anything? The more and more I listen to this theme song the better and better it gets. Like it is easily one of the best superhero theme songs out there only trailing behind Sam Rami’s Spider-Man and Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy themes in my honest opinion. There a certain level of regalness and badassery the music exudes that just gets you pumped up and excited. It reminds me a lot of a war cry and a war cry is the type of music that fits Diana perfectly due to her skills as a warrior.





2)Diana deflecting a bullet like it was a piece of paper

If this isn’t epic then I don’t know what it is. I mean the way the slow motion along with the visuals is used to emphasis her deflecting the bullet is just a sight to behold. I mean I might just be in the moment here but Wonder Woman has some of the best action scenes I’ve seen in a film in a long time and this particular shot only confirms that belief. If there was any doubt Patty Jenkins would have trouble filming a action scene for this movie…well I’m sure those doubts have been undoubtedly put to rest.

1) Iconic Wonder Woman Pose

We’ve all gotten used to seeing this pose from Gal Gadot and the character itself and I have to tell you it never gets old to look at. I’m sure when she does this pose during the part of the movie it gonna be epic and regal just like it was when she did it in Batman v Superman saving Batman behind from Doomsday blast. I seriously cannot wait for this movie to come out.

Well that it for this article, if you have any thoughts make sure to put them down in the comment section below and if you would be so kind to share this article that would be much obliged. Stay tuned for more articles folks!

Wonder Woman comes out June 2nd, 2017





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