There are many stories of the people who got away with their crimes, and those who got off too easy, but that is not always the case! Cases where criminals escape prison on technicalities leave the public outraged. Sometimes it’s good to see bad people get what they deserve. Look no further if you want to see the powerful hand of justice in action! These are the top 5 longest prison sentences in history.
Dudley Wayne Kyzer

Dudley Wayne Kyzer went off the rails on Halloween and killed his ex-wife, her mother, as well as a local university student who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Dudley was convicted of the triple murder and was sentenced to cook on the electric chair. While on death row, Alabama decided to do away with the death penalty as it was deemed a cruel and unusual form of punishment.
At his new sentencing he was slapped with 10,000 years in prison for his heartless murders. If you think justice won out and he is locked away for good, think again. Mr. Kyzer has been up for parole 5 times already, including his most recent try at freedom in 2016, earlier this year. Thankfully all attempts to escape into the general population have been denied.
Allan Wayne McLaurin / Darron Bennalford Anderson

The depraved duo of McLaurin and Anderson won’t be out on the streets anytime soon. They were convicted of preying on an elderly woman they spotted at a local gas station in Tulsa. The men rammed her car off the highway and began to rape her repeatedly over the next few hours. The twisted nature of this rape, along with thier prior convictions, is what led to the lengthy sentence. After all was said and done McLaurin went away with a sentence of 20,750 years, and Anderson received 11,250 years. Thankfully they won’t be free on the streets for at least a few thousand years.
Keep an eye out for Anderson’s next parole hearing. It will be interesting to see if the parole board grants him an early release. It’s been scheduled for the year 12,744 AD.
Charles Scott Robinson

Jurors were not pleased with the sick acts of Charles Scott Robinson and gave him the longest sentence in US history. He was tried and convicted of six counts of rape against a 3-year old child. Like any normal human being, members of the jury wanted to lock Mr. Robinson in a dark hole and throw away the key. Unfortunately a sentence of life without parole was off the table in this case.
The jury ensured that he would never be a free man by handing down the longest sentence in US history: 5,000 years per count for a total of 30,000 years. The judge ordered him to serve the sentences consecutively, meaning his time served would not count toward each count.
Otman el-Gnaoui / Jamal Zougam / Emilio Suárez Trashorras

These are 3 of the men responsible for the devastating bombing of 4 commuter trains in Madrid, Spain. The acts were carried out in 2004 and claimed the lives of 192 people. The attack, which was carried out by an Al-Qaeda linked cell, is the largest attack ever on Spanish soil.
The investigation and trials that followed led to the conviction of 21 individuals with varying involvement. No mastermind was ever uncovered by the investigation. Three men, Otman el-Gnaoui, Jamal Zougam, and Emilio Suárez Trashorras were determined to have the greatest involvement in the plot. Otman received 42,924 years, and Jamal was sentenced with a nearly identical 42,922 years. Emilio got off relatively easy, being sent to prison for meager 34,715 years. These three easily hold a spot on list of longest prison sentences.
Chamoy Thipyaso

The name of Chamoy Thipyaso will live in infamy among the people of Thailand. In the 1960’s she created a pyrimid scheme that defrauded thousands of Thai investors over a run of 30 years. In total 16,231 investors were defrauded including many in the Thai military. In total Chamoy’s fund is estimated to have stolen $200 – $300 million from its investors. This figure made the record books as the biggest case of fraud up to that point.
For her crimes Chamoy was given the top spot on the list of longest prison sentences in history – a whopping 141,078 years! Interestingly, she was set free in the late 1990’s after serving only 8 years. Many people question whether her connections with the military and government officials were able to help her out of her predicament.