8 Superfoods That You Need In Your Diet

The 8 Best Superfoods You Should Start Eating Today

Keeping up with the latest ‘in fashion’ superfood is no easy task. It seems a new berry or veggie is touted as the one food destined to give you a healthy life. If you feel overwhelmed you’re not alone, many people struggle to identify the food they should be eating. The food considered to be the Top Superfood or Best Superfood is always changing.

Why are superfoods so important? Are they even worth the cost and effort it takes to add them to your diet?

There is no precise definition of a ‘superfood’. However, to be considered a superfood it need to be rich in essential vitamins and nutrients. The addition of these nutrient rich foods to your diet helps maintain a balanced diet and creates a healthy, functioning lifestyle. Superfoods are especially important for people who are in the habit of eating processed food as processed food is typically devoid of nutrition.

Goji Berries

The Goji Berry is native to the landlocked Asian countries of Tibet and Mongolia. Long used in Chinese medicine to cure a variety of ailments, the berry has only recently become popular in the west. The Goji Berry is rich in vitamin C and can be found in some powdered vitamin packs which offer immune system support. Its popularity has increased dramatically in the last few years and it is not uncommon to find packages of dried berries at health-focused supermarkets. As a rich source of antioxidants the Goji Berry is a great superfood to consider.

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are the lastest superfood craze to have made its way around the world. They have become so popular that they can be found in supermarkets, healthfood stores, gyms, and even schools. It seems like you can’t even go to buy a mattress without hearing a promotion for Chia Seeds. While lot of the claims may have been trumped up by the craze, there are some undeniable reasons to start eating this superfood.

The health benefits of chia seeds are numerous. First, they are a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids. If you don’t consume fish on a regular basis you may be lacking this vital nutrient. Adding natural, plant based omega-3 to your diet is a better choice than heading to the drug store and buying a bottle of synthetic omega-3.


There has been a lot of talk about Quinoa lately, and for good reason. It stands head and shoulders above the common used grains in terms of nutrient richness. Quinoa, which originated in parts of South America, contains superior amounts of amino acids as well as good amounts of protein and dietary fiber. The health benefits of quinoa are widely celebrated and it is becoming more popular each year.

Another benefit of quinoa is that it doesn’t contain gluten, its a seed and not a true grain. People with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity can look to quinoa as an acceptable (and healthy) replacement to flour. If you do have an allergy to gluten make sure to check the back of the bag. Some quinoa flour may be processed on shared equipment.

Wild Salmon

Wild salmon is a great superfood to consider as long as you aren’t vegan. Salmon is a great natural source of omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, salmon provides good amounts of nutrients like potassium and iodine. If your looking for a healthier, more earth-friendly alternative to beef, then give wild salmon a try. Farm raised salmon may be slightly cheaper, but nothing can beat the health benefits of wild caught salmon.


I’m going to group all nuts together here although there are some nuts that are more nutrient rich than others. Nuts are a great source of healthy oil, protein and fiber. Also, studies show that eating a handful of nuts a few times a week can reduce your risk of heart disease. Some of the most nutrient rich nuts to add to your diet are pistachios, almonds and walnuts. The list of nutrient-rich (and great tasting) nuts can go on and on so feel free to choose the ones you like best.


Popeye was the original advocate for the health benefits of spinach. This leafy green vegetable is rich in potassium and magnesium, two essential nutrients. Perhaps the main reason to eat spinach is because of its high levels of iron and folate. Spinach is a common vegetable around the world and is relatively inexpensive.

A quick search will yield numerous recipes devoted to this superfood. I be prepared in a variety of ways, or eaten raw in a salad. The taste may not be desirable for some, so you may want to look through some recipes and find one that is suitable for you.


While it isn’t normally listed as a superfood, broccoli should definitely be considered as one. Broccoli contains important photonutrients and antioxidants which can help fight a variety of diseases. Regular consumption of broccoli has been linked to reduced risk of obesity and heart disease. Additionally, it contains vitamin K and calcium which are important for maintaining bone health. Just 1 cup of broccoli provides 100% of the daily recommended vitamin K intake.


Blueberries are important for their phytonutrients, nutrients that help nutralize free radicals and help with cell repair. Because of this they are touted for their anti-aging benefits. These berries also have high amounts of antioxidants like vitamin C that can help support a healthy happy life.

They are quite delicious as well and make for a great snack. Its easy to throw some in a baggie then you head out for the. Additionally, they serve as a great topping on greek yogurt, added to smoothies, or used in a variety of dishes. They are typically in season from May to August and this is the time to buy the freshest blueberries. If fresh blueberries aren’t available, dried or frozen blueberries can be used throughout the year.

Rachel Velazquez
Rachel Velazquez
Feminism. Activism. Equality. Poli-Sci major with a minor in journalism. Looking forward to an equal future.

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  1. […] Each day a large portion of our time is spent ‘saving time’. However, the things we do to save time don’t always make sense. This is most apparent when it comes to our diet. Out of convenience we turn to a wide variety of chemical laden products that do more harm than good. Turn this modern diet on its head and let’s go back to our vegetarian roots. Cutting meat and processed snacks out of your diet will help give you more energy and motivation, and this will help improve your overall happiness. Remember, going natural is the key and these superfoods can help. […]


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