American Renegades: An Under The Lens Review (Asian Release)

Under the lens takes a deep look at films by focusing in on one or two particular areas of the picture that helped to define it for better or for worse. Spoilers will be included in this review.

American Renegades is an action thriller from director Steven Quale and stars J.K. SimmonsSullivan Stapleton, and Charlie Bewley. It follows the story of a team of Navy SEALs who discover an underwater treasure in Nazi gold at the bottom of a Bosnian lake.,

Under The Lens: Originality and Villain

Originality: American Renegades is a heist picture and takes advantage of a very original premise. A team of SEAL’s set out to retrieve a fortune in gold from a submerged city that was buried under a lake bt resistance fighters during WWII, I can’t honestly think of a film that has done a plot quite like this, and it enhances the pictures otherwise more dull action plot. The CGI and underwater Laketown are interesting and the picture creates an eerie ghost town feel that is fun to experience.

Villain: Where American Renegades sadly falls short is its underwhelming and lackluster villain. Set during the Bosnian conflict the main baddie is a stereotypically evil general, now he plays second fiddle to the heist plot, however, this picture (as any heist film) needs a strong antagonist, whether that is the location, police, rival thieves etc. In the end, this villain is simply boring, having the villains be a rival team out to steal the gold or an evil archeologist. If they had wanted to keep the villain they had, writing him better or simply giving him some extra screentime (He is in maybe 3-4 scenes) would have vastly improved his standing as the prime bad guy.


The underwater city is very well designed and the CGI does not take the viewer out of the experience all that much

The opening action setpiece is a lot of fun and sets the tone of the picture as an action-adventure.

The cast chemistry was good and the SEAL team did feel like a team who had been with each other for a long time.

Something to think about

What would you do if you suddenly found information leading to a hiddle treasure? Would you seek it out even if it was dangerous?


Overall American Renegades is a fun little action-adventure picture, its unusual plot and creative heist raises this above other titles, and its cast has good chemistry and is clearly enjoying themselves. A boring and one-dimensional villain along with a script that is uneven drags this film down a bit, however, it is a fun adventure that shines a light on a conflict that has not been explored in film since the late 90s. American Renegades is no masterpiece but it does not try to be, it is a perfect matinee picture to catch on the weekend or for a group of friends to watch over pizza.

Byron Lafayette
Byron Lafayette
Byron Lafayette is a film critic and journalist. He is the current Chairman of the Independent Film Critics of America, as well as the Editor and Lead Film Critic for Viralhare and a Staff Writer for Film Obsessive. He also contributes to What Culture and many other publications. He considers Batman V Superman the best superhero film ever made and hopes one day that the genius of Josh Lucas will be recognized.

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Overall American Renegades is a fun little action-adventure picture, its unusual plot and creative heist raises this above other titles, and its cast has good chemistry and is clearly enjoying themselves. A boring and one-dimensional villain along with a script that is uneven drags this film down a bit, however, it is a fun adventure that shines a light on a conflict that has not been explored in film since the late 90s. American Renegades is no masterpiece but it does not try to be, it is a perfect matinee picture to catch on the weekend or for a group of friends to watch over pizza. American Renegades: An Under The Lens Review (Asian Release)