Tom McKee
is a voice actor In Japanese anime. he has appeared in quite a few fan conventions and will be a featured guest at Nerdcon on October 21, 2023 was fortunate enough to be able to do an email interview with Mr McKee his responses are in bold.
Why is there such an appeal especially with voice actors for smaller shows like Nerdcon in Mont Belvieu, Texas?
Smaller cons are just more personal and interactive. You don’t get bogged down by thousands of people. Your chances or meeting people and making friends is higher. Conventions like these are more about the fans.
What do you see as the drive behind the high demand for anime in America?
Anime in America gives everyone an outlet to the realms and worlds that film and television can’t achieve.
Was there an animated series or movie that made you want to become a voice actor?
Robin Williams in all of his voice-over roles really made me want to become an actor. I found it astonishing that you can, with just your voice portray a huge range of emotions. Also my friend Eric Vale In a few of his roles really solidified that notion.

With more one-day community-based shows such as Nerdcon or Eastern Rim or shows that nature do you think this will become a consistent outlet for fans instead of the large-scale scale more corporate backed conventions?
I really hope that is the case. These kinds of cons just feel more friendly and homey.
Which of these three classic old-school anime teams would you prefer to be part of, G-Force also known as Gachaman, Voltron Force, or, the Robotech Defense Force?
It has to be Robotech. For sure.