Toy Story 4 released this weekend, and going in I was both excited and scared. While Pixar generally puts out good films, this would be the fourth installment in the Toy Story franchise. After...
At this year's E3, Square Enix pulled out all the stops. They had trailers for their Final Fantasy VII Remake and a Kingdom Hearts III DLC titled Kingdom Hearts III Re:Mind. I'm going to...
A new film from Pixar studios is arriving in theaters soon, will it bring with it a reawakening for the animation studio?
Having gone two years without an original Pixar film, and even longer...
Before you begin reading, I would like to warn of major spoilers for the ending of Avengers: Endgame.
In Endgame, The Marvel Cinematic Universe took everything we knew about time travel and had us throw...
The release of Toy Story 4 is right around the corner! In the years since the Toy Story franchise began, we have had a total of 3 movies and more shorts than we would...