The Houston Writers Guild, in collaboration with Women in the Visual and
Literary Arts will be hosting a book launch celebration for the anthology collection Journey Into
Art on Friday, October 6th, 2023 from 7 pm to 9 pm at the Hilton Houston Plaza Medical Center
Hotel on 6633 Travis Street in Houston, Texas. The event will kick off the weekend’s
Authorpalooza conference, hosted annually by the Houston Writers Guild.
The Authorpalooza conference is a three-day extravaganza of presentations and breakout
sessions covering the full spectrum of topics aspiring and veteran authors need in order to
succeed. Saturday will be the main day with a variety of sessions, a keynote speech by national
and international bestselling author Kevin J Anderson, as well as agent and editor one-on-one
meeIngs. Anderson will facilitate a hands-on workshop on Sunday to close the event.
The Houston Writers Guild collaborated with Women in the Visual and Literary Arts to sponsor a
short story contest in the spring of 2023 around the theme of Journey Into Art. Entries were judged
by the heads of Texas-based publishers Cursed Dragon Ship Publishing, Balance of Seven Press,
and Paradise Publishing. The 3 winners along with 10 honorable mentions were then given an
opportunity to work with a developmental editor to experience the production process of a
publishing house. Inklings Publishing, a local Houston publisher, joined the Guild and WIVLA in
producing the anthology collection.

On Friday evening, October 6th, 2023, the winning entries as well as the honorable mention
stories will be celebrated in the debut of the Journey Into Art anthology collection. Kicking off
the celebration, Fern Brady, CEO and president of Inklings Publishing, will share strategies for
how authors can use opportunities such as these to enhance and build their author pla_orm
and following.
For more information on the Authorpalooza Conference sponsored by the Houston Writers
Guild, as well as to purchase tickets to the Friday book launch celebration, please visit the
Guild’s Writer’s Room page at