I am sure all of you have heard of the popular Disney show, The Mandalorian which has a star character nicknamed Baby Yoda and if you know that you also know just how popular this little character is. Knowing all that, then you will understand this story of sacrificial giving by a little child.
Five-year-old, Carver who lives in Oregon saw the devasting fires in his home state this year. He also saw the heroic firefighters putting their lives on the line to fight them and wanted to do something for them. He told his grandma who later heard about a local donation drive for the firefighters. They decided to go shopping for them and get groceries and other items they could need. While shopping Carver saw the toy isle and his little eyes fixed onto a Baby Yoda doll.

Carver with his little child intuition felt the firefighters could use the friendship of this special doll. He and his grandma bought the doll and they sent it off in a care package with a note that said, “Thank you, firefighters,” here is a friend for you, in case you get lonely <3 Love, Carver.”
Here is where the story really takes off, literally. Carvers gift was such a HUGE hit with the firefighters they take him everywhere and document his travels on a Facebook group [Baby Yoda Fights Fires] with over 49,000 followers!
He is so beloved that the firefighters are passing him along to different groups of fellow firefighters across the Pacific Northwest, the West, and even Canada! He has been a hiking companion, snack friend, cuddler, flying with firefighters, and sitting in the truck. He has brought such joy to the firefighters in their fight against fires. Marcus Kauffman a rep with the Oregon Department of Forestry said, “Baby Yoda is a source of light in the force and the world.” It is really giving the firefighters a lift!
The force is strong with this little boy and he decided to share it. It is a great lesson for all of us.