Backdraft 2: An Under The Lens Review

Under the lens takes a deep look at films by focusing in on one or two particular areas of the picture that helped to define it for better or for worse. Spoilers will be included in this review.

Backdraft 2 is the legacy sequel the hit 1991 action drama Backdraft, which inspired a whole generation to become firefighters. The original picture was directed by Ron Howard who returns as a producer on the followup and written by Gregory Widen, who also returned to write the sequel. The picture follows the son of Stephen McCaffrey (Played by Kurt Russel) as he follows in his father’s steps as a firefighter. In the picture, he hunts for an arsonist who is extremely smart and dangerous. This film was interesting as it focused on the armed arson units, the lead actor does a decent job, however, everything about the film screams cheap. The picture was released directly to video Which is odd considering that Howard and Widen both returned along with Donald Sutherland and William Baldwin. With Backdraft being such a hit, I am surprised a full budgeted theatrical follow up was not commissioned.

Under The Lens: Donald Sutherland and Plot narrative

Donald Sutherland: The veteran actor returned to play the arsonist Ronald Bartel from the original film, and oh what a return, Sutherland turns in a magnificent performance, that is frankly far better then the film deserved. He is psychotic, egomaniacal and manipulating. Overall the best parts of the film are when he is present, the picture made a terrible mistake not making him the primary villain.

Plot narrative: While the film was cheap, the forensics and arson portions are very solid, the film is at its best in the first half when we see the lead investigating the fires and deducting what happened. The narrative then falls off a cliff and goes into a weird terrorism story, and the brilliant mastermind arsonist who has been touted in the film is totally sidelined for a plot about retrieving a missile. I was actually rather enjoying the picture until this very strange tonal shift took place.


Donald Sutherland was wonderful and added a lot to the film, raising it up a few more notches then it should have been. It is clear he really enjoyed returning to the role.

I liked that the picture was a full-on legacy sequel and not a hidden remake, it was nice seeing what the old characters had been up to and what happened to them. The picture was full of easter eggs, and callbacks to the original film.

The forensics and arson investigation in the first half of the film was rather good and I can’t help but wish the story had stayed being a full-on arsonist hunt film.

Something to think about

Do you like legacy sequels or do you prefer pictures focus all on new characters and stories?


Overall this picture was very disappointing, had Widen made Sutherland the prime villain, the movie would have been elevated, I mean when you have an actor of the caliber of Sutherland who is willing to return, you should focus the narrative around him, it pains me that he was sidelined when he delivers one of the best acting performances of the year (Yes I said it). In the end, Backdraft 2 is a missed opportunity, they had all the pieces to make a good follow up and ended up wasting it on a bad plot. In the end, the picture is worth seeing for Sutherland’s performance but Backdraft deserved a better sequel.

Byron Lafayette
Byron Lafayette
Byron Lafayette is a film critic and journalist. He is the current Chairman of the Independent Film Critics of America, as well as the Editor and Lead Film Critic for Viralhare and a Staff Writer for Film Obsessive. He also contributes to What Culture and many other publications. He considers Batman V Superman the best superhero film ever made and hopes one day that the genius of Josh Lucas will be recognized.

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Overall this picture was very disappointing, had Widen made Sutherland the prime villain the movie would have been elevated, In the end, Backdraft 2 is a missed opportunity, they had all the pieces to make a good follow up and ended up wasting it on a bad plot.Backdraft 2: An Under The Lens Review