Batman #78 Review: A Ballad of Reconciliation

Batman and Catwoman are finally reunited, but the hurt is still there. As they are now, they don’t stand a chance against Bane and the rest of Gotham’s underworld. Spoilers for Batman #78 follow.

It’s been a little over a year since Tom King shocked everyone by having Catwoman leave Batman at the altar. Since then, there has been scorn from many over that decision, despite the fantastic story King is telling. Personally, I’ve nearly everything that King has done on Batman, including “The Wedding.” Because of that, I’ve been excited for the reuniting of Batman and Catwoman since Batman #50 and this issue does not disappoint. In fact, it’s one of the best issues of the series and a near-perfect issue.

What to praise about this issue, what to praise? Everything about this issue is phenomenal. The writing, the art, the coloring, everything is absolutely top-notch. Because of the quality of the technical aspects of the issue, it makes you feel every bit of emotion even more. The emotional qualities of the story are there from the start and are enhanced by every subsequent panel of the issue.

Image by DC Comics/Art by Clay Mann

King’s writing in this issue is superb. He takes every bit of his writing tendencies and puts them all on display in this issue, using what works, and tossing what doesn’t. Because of that, we get an issue that is similar in quality to pretty much every issue of Mister Miracle, which is no fall feat to repeat. King’s writing is emotionally riveting and powerful, tugging at your heartstrings more and more as the issue goes on. There’s a magnificent build-up of tension between Batman and Catwoman throughout the issue that feels absolutely perfect for this story. So, once the two finally reconcile, all of the tension is released, and a wave of satisfaction overtakes your body and soul. It’s excellent writing, which is only enhanced by stellar art.

Image by DC Comics/Art by Clay Mann

Clay Mann’s art takes every bit of emotion that the writing conveys and expands on it ten-fold. Everything about his art is beautiful and every panel builds on an emotional level. The pacing is phenomenal, which helps build the tension between the characters. The page layout helps build the separation and frustration that Batman and Catwoman are feeling. And above all else, his linework is gorgeous. From the body language of the two, to the subtle facial expressions, everything is exactly as it needs to be. The emotion is palpable in this issue because of the art and it will bring a tear to your eye, just like it did mine.

Mann’s linework isn’t the only standout aspect of the art though. Tomey Morey’s coloring is beyond gorgeous. Broad daylight or sunset, Morey manages to make everything looks stunning. There’s such a true to life aspect of his coloring work that, while becoming more common in comics, is still rare, and Morey demonstrates the best of the style in this issue.

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Batman #78 is a near perfect issue that finally reconciles Batman and Catwoman.Batman #78 Review: A Ballad of Reconciliation