Batman #79 Review: Emotions are High for Bat/Cat

Batman and Catwoman have reconciled, but is that enough for them to beat Bane? They’ll need to find the balance between each other to be sure. Spoilers for Batman #79 follow.

Coming off the back of Batman #78, there’s no way that this next issue was going to live up to the quality of it. Batman #78 was one best of King’s entire run on Batman, so it’d be unfair to think that the following issue could live up to it. And, that is the case with this issue, it’s not as good. But, it’s still a great issue that brings forth a great amount of emotion from it. This is a dialogue-heavy issue, and with good reason.

King’s writing is astounding again in this issue. Everything from a continuity level to an emotional level, he absolutely nails. He ties together a thread that has been running throughout his entire run in such a satisfying way in this issue. He also manages to combine multiple continuities from DC’s past into one flowing timeline, at least when it comes to Batman and Catwoman’s relationship. King makes it feel effortless to create an emotionally resonate story, while also building around convoluted timelines. He works absolute magic in this issue when it comes to that.

Image by DC Comics/Art by Clay Mann

As for the action portion of this issue, thats where it falls a bit flat. Everything is quick and feels a bit inconsequential, even when it shouldn’t. The focus is on Batman and Catwoman’s emotions, so it makes sense that the action would feel like this, but it still could’ve been slightly more impactful.

Clay Mann’s art in this issue though is, again, absolutely top-notch. He seemingly can do no wrong. Everything about his art in this issue is wonderfully beautiful. Even a time when his style goes classic 1960s, Batman, when Selina punches a guy for a touching her leg, works incredibly well. No matter if it’s an emotionally resonant scene or an action scene, Mann gets it perfect. Combine his art with King’s emotional writing, and it’s a recipe for wonder.

No matter when they’re in costume or not, the way Mann draws Batman and Catwoman lets their chemistry ooze off the page. It creates this triumphant feeling while you’re reading the issue because of everything that’s happened to them. Mann’s art captures their connection perfectly and their love is palpable because of that.

Image by DC Comics/Art by Clay Mann

Tomeu Morey’s coloring brings just as much to the page as Mann’s art does too. He manages to capture the epic feeling of throughout every page. No matter how intimate or large the moment, Morey’s coloring is perfect for the mood of the page. Sometimes somber, sometimes triumphant, his coloring brings out every little nuance in Mann’s linework, which enhances everything on the page.

CHECK OUT:Batman #78 Review: A Ballad of Reconciliation

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Batman #79 adds another emotional chapter to the ongoing Bat/Cat saga.Batman #79 Review: Emotions are High for Bat/Cat