Batman #88 Review: Into the Mouth of Darkness We Go

Batman thinks he knows his city, but has he ever truly known it? The dark designs created long ago have sprung into work creating nothing, but potential pain for Batman. Spoilers for Batman #88 review.

The first two issues of James Tynion IV’s run on Batman have been pretty great. Nothing has been status quo changing, which is a nice change of pace, but has still felt very distinct from other runs. With this issue though, the creative team has decided to really go all out. They’ve established the tone and style that will present, so it’s now time to really begin to pick up the story, which is exactly what happens. This issue has some serious developments in it regarding both the world and Batman, but never loses sight of the established style.

Image by DC Comics/Art by Guillem March

What’s funny about this issue though is that the best part revolves entirely around Catwoman. Over the past several years, thanks to Tom King, Joelle Jones, and various other artists and writers, there has been a complete shift in Catwoman’s personality. She’s always been a character that straddles the line of hero and villain, but most recently, ever since her relationship with Batman went into overdrive, she’s been on the heroic side. What this issue highlights so well is her life before this turn, when she was just a villain, plain and simple. By doing so, this creates a very effective sense of guilt within her which she actively tries to overcome. It’s some wonderful character work done by Tynion and Guillem March. This also makes it seem that Catwoman will be more of a co-lead moving forward, which isn’t what Tynion previously let on.

Amidst all that though, the style that has been established for the series very much stays the same. There’s a great blend of action and horror in this issue that really lends itself to some status quo altering sequences. Because of that, this is unsurprisingly the case here. First off, The Joker is apparently dead, but there is definitely more to that story than we know now. The most shocking event of the issue comes when Deathstroke slits The Penguin’s throat. It’s a shocking moment that is very fitting for the story and tone, but it also builds the story in an organic way. Yes, it’s surprising to see such a major villain killed off, but if anyone Bat-villain was to actually die, it’s best to be The Penguin.

Image by DC Comics/Art by Guillem March

The art in this issue is once again fantastic as well. March eschews his usual style for much of this issue, opting for a style more akin to Tony S. Daniel. This is simultaneously disappointing and a good thing. March’s style is very distinct which really helps to create a specific tone. However, by moving just a little more towards Daniel’s style, this creates a visual consistency that helps build cohesive storytelling. Regardless, his art is stunning in this issue with some particularly horrifying and badass moments present throughout. Tomeu Morey once again kills it with his coloring too, create the perfect atmosphere for every scene in this issue.

CHECK OUT: Batman #87 Review: The Dark Designs of Horror

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Batman #88 is another great issue that relies effectively on established tone while also pushing the story forward.Batman #88 Review: Into the Mouth of Darkness We Go