Batman #94 Review: The Bat and The Cat Lose to The Clown

Now that the true plans for Gotham are revealed, Batman only has one thing on his mind. Making sure Catwoman is safe. Spoilers for Batman #94 follow.

After what has been an overlong set-up storyline for “Joker War,” we are finally at the end of it and heading headlong in the story that has actually been the main focus since James Tynion IV took over writing duties. However, before we get there though, there is one more thing that has to happen. We need to understand where Batman and Catwoman are regarding their relationship. Both are hurt and either could easily call it quits, but luckily, there’s so much nuance to that happening in this issue.

This issue truly shines when not actually dealing with the upcoming storyline, but rather when it slows down and focuses on Batman and Catwoman. Comics are notorious for re-setting the status quo of a series and/or characters immediately once a new creative team takes over and that is what many feared was going to happen. As someone who doesn’t care all that much about universal continuity, something like this doesn’t affect me all that much, but it absolutely would’ve been disappointing to see them break up right now. Luckily, that doesn’t seem to be the case for this issue.

Image by DC Comics/Art by Guillem March

The Batman/Catwoman content in this issue fully feels like the comics version of honesty in relationships regarding one’s past. Everything around it is heightened and crazy, but the actual content itself is simple and works on a purely relational level. They are in an obviously difficult time where they are hurting and angry, but they are trying their hardest to not let it tear them apart. It’s something that many can absolutely relate to.

As for the rest of the story, it’s basically just more set-up, and kind of the true beginning, for “Joker War.” Joker has exactly what he wants now and is making sure that Batman knows that he does. It’s relatively simple and none of it is surprising, but it works with what it’s trying to accomplish.

As for the art, Guillem March handles the majority of this issue, with Rafael Albuquerque taking on the first couple of pages, and he does some of his best yet for the series here. His action has always been great, but what really shines in this issue regarding his art are a couple of pages between Batman and Catwoman. The emotion that he brings out in these pages is incredible and it makes you feel like these are real people having a real conversation. As mentioned, his action is great, but the emotion on those pages is what truly makes his art in this issue shine.

CHECK OUT: Batman: The Smile Killer #1 Review: Trauma Comes with a Smile

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In the final issue before “Joker War” finally commences, Batman and Catwoman’s relationship is, luckily, still on full display.Batman #94 Review: The Bat and The Cat Lose to The Clown