Batman – Curse of the White Knight #1 Review: The Mystical Makes its Way to Gotham

The Joker has escaped from Arkham Asylum for reasons unknown to Batman. Soon to be discovered though is that The Joker has much more than tricks up his sleeve this time. 

Sean Murphy is back with his alternate universe take on the Batman mythos. A sequel to Batman: White Knight, it’s been really unclear about how this series would follow-up that series. It really did feel like there was anywhere else to go with this version of Batman and The Joker, but if anyone could think of something, it’d be Sean Murphy. Murphy is genuinely one of the best artist/writers working in comics right now (go read Punk Rock Jesus) and he knocked it out of the park with White Knight. With this first issue of Curse of the White Knight, it really feels like he’s about to do it again. 

Much like many film sequels, this series doesn’t simply pick up where White Knight left off, there’s an immediate shift in tone and style as well. Yes, character motivations and general plot developments that occurred in White Knight are pushing forward the story right now, but this first issue sets up a much more fantastical story. White Knight was completely grounded, albeit with some campy elements. Curse of the White Knight seems to be leaning hard on the camp and making something new out of it though. Gone is the grounded reality and in comes mythical elements. Murphy does this well though by not immediately making everything mythical, but rather, a gradual increase of it. 

Image by DC Comics/Art by Sean Murphy

As for the characters, in this first issue, Batman and Joker feel more like their classic selves. White Knight had them portrayed in reverse roles. Batman is the villain, Joker is the hero. That has reverted back to its old ways here though. This isn’t a bad thing though as evidenced by Batman’s frustrations in this issue. This version was a very selfish character who couldn’t get pulled out of his own delusions of grandeur. Now we see the regrets that he has regarding his past actions and his failures. This Batman has grown as a character and it’s a really great change to see. The Joker’s characterization doesn’t come as quite as fortunate, but it’ll be interesting to see him back to his villainous ways. 

Murphy’s art is the real star of this issue though. Every single panel in this issue is dripping with style and personality. No matter the page, panel, or action, everything feels perfect. The energy that flows through Murphy’s characters is palpable and exciting, no matter what the character is doing. Even in the more subdued parts of the issue, Murphy uses his art to build the world around the characters in fun little ways. He also uses these points to add in some visual humor that fits right into this world at large. Murphy is a great writer, but he is easily one of the best artists working in comics today. 

CHECK OUT: Batman #75 Review: The Bad, The Evil, and The Strong

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Batman: Curse of the White Knight #1 gives this series a solid jumping off point that will hopefully continue to shine throughout the series. Batman - Curse of the White Knight #1 Review: The Mystical Makes its Way to Gotham