Big Con In A Small Package: Houston’s Traders Village Comic-Con

According to the theory, you always need a big bang for a show full of magic and mayhem. That was proven wrong at the second annual Traders Village Comic-Con. Held on April the 29th and 30th, this show was a great little con for those who attended.

Although an open marketplace might seem an odd choice to hold a comic-con, Trader’s Village has plenty of established shops that sell everything from action figures, comic book collectibles, and even luchador masks.

Sporting actors from such fantastic media as The Hunger Games and Power Rangers, the con had a small but impressive panel of actors. But, the real stars of the show were the many vendors at the con, a perfect fit for Traders Village.

Also, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles stopped by to totally pose with all of their groovy fans at a most righteous photo booth.


The show also had several independent comic and novelist small press vendors at the show along with vendors who brought their own artwork, crafts, and jewelry was among the original items for sale at the con. Also, several toys, comic, and collectible vendors were onsite to sell nerdy goods to all.

Artist Todd Tuttle and some of his artwork behind him.
Original comic art at Trader’s Con.
Back, and even more way back issues.
Little heads and big heads for all.
Hot Wheels leading the way.

Star Wars fan groups from the 501st to the Rebel Legion have always been a big draw at any comic or sci-fi con and Houston’s Star Wars Enthusiast fan group was no exception. Fans at Trader’s Village could snap pics of or with the dedicated members of this group who sported some of the finest cosplay in the galaxy.

And what would a con be without cosplayers? At Trader’s Village Con all kinds of fandom came and showed their best and brightest costumes at the show.

Yes, it is Jedi Captain America. Your argument is invalid.
Front view of wood fairy cosplay. The detail and elaborate work van be seen better on the flower ‘wings’ of the costume.
This is the back side of the wood fairy costume. Here you can better see the work and craftsmanship of the outfit.
Shao Kahn, flawless victory. Not give the kid his hammer back.
No, the turtles do not need supervision. Can’t Splinter have his fan time, too?

And last but not least,, brought in medieval style, foam fighting implements to share with fans and their families an opportunity to “have at each other” for fun.

“Remember, smack your Dad with this end”.

With issues happening with different cons around the country, it’s good to see an honest, fun, little con doing so well in Texas.

William Robinson
William Robinson
William Robinson Experienced interviewer, researcher, and original content creator. Graduated from MTI Houston TX. Was a solid contributor with, currently an Associate Editor for I have worked as an interviewer/article writer on the convention scene for over twelve years and covered Wizard World Austin and New Orleans, Comicpalooza, Space City Con, Traders Village Con, Free Comic Book Day, Comic Book Literacy, small press artists and studios, as well as reviews on TV, movies, and other media.

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