‘Boss’ Hogg And The Bloody Sickness Of Fame

On August 12th, 2000 a young man was born who has become a willing mouthpiece and puppet, according to some sources, of the gun control lobby. This young man believes himself to be above common courtesy and common sense and uses profanity, sarcasm, and I highly arrogant attitude, towards adults and various interviews he has had publicly. Recently used in the news or picture him another man, who is possibly a family member, took a picture together that’s it senior prom 2018. This person’s of course David  Hogg.

Son of an activist, Elementary School teacher, and retired FBI agent, this young man has led a privileged and safe life, indulging in having his own vlog and able to indulge his want to be a ‘journalist’ aided and abetted by his parents. 

His mother along with being an elementary school teacher is considered a CNN VIP, she shared pictures and information on her social media pages that have indicated this, and a person deeply steeped in politics.

Image result for david hogg cnn

His father Kevin Hogg is a retired FBI agent, who also has credentials as a teacher in California. Let that sink in a minute he’s a retired FBI agent.  Mr. Hogg’s former agency received tips about Nikolas Cruz, the shooter in Parkland, and they were fumbled. Also, the teachers have been warned about  Mr. Cruz. They were advised not to let Cruz onto the school campus with a backpack. Now, Mr. Hogg was both a teacher and retired FBI agent, had the ability to address this shooter on two different fronts. If you were a father in that position what would you do?

Also, the young David Hogg himself is of questionable moral judgment. When first interviewed, Hogg stated that he was at the school when the shooting took place, but,  he was never there. Also, after being questioned he reveals that once he heard about the event while at home, that he grabbed his camera and went to the school,  “ because I knew it had to be a shooting”.

So, this self-described journalist decided after knowing or realizing, is that a shooting was having it at school, decided the best thing to do was take a camera to school and try to film the incident or the interviews for the aftermath. Even though he’s 18 years old he still is in his parents home. And those parents,

one being a  former FBI agent, and one being a school teacher who knows protocols about school emergencies, would you allow your kid to go into a potentially deadly situation?

And since young Master Hoggs campaign has roared to blaze, and sort this out now, he’s so fine different ways after the big March to continue to push his anti-gun agenda. According to Wikipedia advocacy. However, the inner eye had nothing to do with Mr. Cruz. Also, the fact that not only did the FBI fail and its background checks flagging and someway, stop it seems that the Hogg family don’t wish to put the blame on anyone but the National Rifle Association and anyone who advocates for the Second Amendment.

When the March for our lives to place suppose it was a non-partisan event, however, heavy hitters in the political world were in place to make speeches and push their own agendas, and David Hogg was right in the center basking in large amounts of glory and praise. All of this attention admitting he barely knew the people or even the names of those who died in the school shooting. This is the face of this movement a young man with parents who are uninvolved with his life unless it’s to push his agenda, and he’s become someone who gleefully dances on the graves of his fellow students. With the push of misguided misaligned young man, to use the media as his publicity agent, is he really the puppet here?

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