Bret Easton Ellis Wrongly Calls The Marvel Cinematic Universe Fascist

Bret Easton Ellis has some harsh words for The Avengers and the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Simultaneously, his words are also insanely ill-chosen and incorrect. You may know him best as the writer of American Psycho. That same book that spawned the cult-classic film starring Christian Bale. Bret Easton Ellis states “They’re just as conservative and fascist as you can imagine.[…] In terms of they really do believe in the police state. They believe in order, they believe in control.”

Why is Bret Easton Ellis Wrong?

Simple, because the joining of these two terms – conservative and fascist we can already see he does not know what he’s talking about. With the discourse of topics in, American Psycho, we can assume where he falls politically. He is the a-typical mainstream, neo-liberal type. These two terms get thrown around in conjunction, usually serving as synonyms for another. Conservative being a more lax kind of fascist, someone who might still be a decent human being. Whereas fascist means an evil, racist maniac! These two ideas of these two terms are what mass culture prescribes to them. With Bret Easton Ellis using both shows some ignorance on his part. Do we ever say a film is both secular and atheist?

First, we need to redefine fascism, since Bret Easton Ellis can’t. The best definition is it is a “palingenetic form of populist ultra-nationalism.” By palingenetic, think of a spiritual phoenix-like rebirth. Populist – one can think of Bernie Sanders or Trump on his 2016 campaign. Are The Avengers seeking some kind of rebirth in any sense? Not that anyone can find. Captain America is not demanding free health-care. Black Widow is not addressing the wage gap. Nationalist? Nope and no Captain America’s patriotism is not the same thing. Nationalism meaning blood and soil. Maybe one can count the Black Panther film until the end. Yet, we see the Avengers saving other nations, other species and most importantly…the universe!

Fascism itself is revolutionary in its nature. As Mussolini says “Let us have a dagger between our teeth, a bomb in our hands and infinite scorn within our heart.” Doubtful you will catch Thor crying this out. The father of fascism, Mussolini himself even states in 1933 that “It is not reactionary, but revolutionary…”

What Does He Mean by Law and Order?

The better question is, who doesn’t believe in law and order? You can look at other non-fascist regimes of history like the former Soviet Union. No candidate in history ever ran stating they will go against law and order. Bret Easton Ellis likens the Avengers and the Marvel Cinematic Universe to films in the seventies like Dirty Harry. Centrally, the idea…or his thesis of said films is that we can police the world and protect it at any cost. Dirty Harry is certainly a product of its time, with its 1971 release date. President Nixon was the first and original law and order candidate. The country was going to hell with all of these protests, riots, urban crime, university uprisings and do not forget the 1968 Democratic National Convention.

Films of the seventies do represent a sort of toxic masculinity and ode to justice. How can one ascribe this to the Avengers though? What is to be done when Loki invades Earth? People love to always accuse all factions of fascism as eugenics. Why not accuse Thanos of genocide? With that said, then the Avengers are certainly anti-fascist for opposing him. Other villains fit this model as well like The Red Skull…duh, Ronan and Ego.

There is also no totalitarianism within the Avengers. We need to keep this in mind, in discussing Bret Easton Ellis’ argument. Our heroes are quite reactionary, no surveillance system exists ala The Dark Knight watching for more alien invasions. Never are they delving into preventive war through secret police, curfews and societal control. Yes, Tony Stark argues for unity in Captain America: Civil War. He is not arguing for complete total unity in thought, religion, politics, economics and beyond.

The Lack of Change

Ultron says it best “You want to save the world, but you don’t want it to change.” Therefore in this regards, sure, the Avengers are conservative. They accept the world as is, flawed but willing to accept and live within it. Whereas the fascist believes a man can be transformed, changed, perfected. No, not by gamma radiation or a super-soldier serum. Think of the Übermensch of Nietzsche, where we transcend the ancient ideas, values, principles, and beliefs of yesterday to create a highly evolved man. Avengers itself is quite diverse with a billionaire, a former Russian spy, Hawkeye the family man, an old WWII veteran, an android, a criminal turned hero and more.

Now, perhaps the films are also conservative in the sense that they offer nothing truly new or breath-taking. People are starting to notice a kind of cookie-cutter approach with these films. They are studio directed, a committee made films not director-driven. Each film rehashes similar tropes and ideas. One example is the undercover Avenger in a jacket and a cap, add plenty of quips and bathos you have a Marvel Cinematic Universe title.

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