Can This Mysterious Facebook Page Help Solve A Murder?

kala brown and charlie carver photo
kala brown and charlie carver photo

The Mysterious case of Charlie Carver & Kala Brown.

Loving couple Charlie Carver and Kayla Brown have disappeared off the face of the earth. For the past six weeks friends and family of Charlie Carver & Kala Brown have been searching for answers. So far the best clues lie in cryptic messages supposedly left by Charlie Carver.

The Disappearance

On August 31st the couple was supposed to meet a friend for dinner. Their friend Lindsey Mayson, who was stood up by Charlie and Kala, was originally irritated by the situation. Anger quickly turned to fear as calls went unanswered and the days went by.

The family of Charlie and Kala were immediately alarmed when they didn’t hear from their children. The parents said they speak frequently with their children. It would be uncharacteristic for them to stay out of touch for an extended period of time. “It’s like you have a hot skillet, and they are two drops of water you put on it. They just disappear,” Kala’s mother Bobbie reported to Dateline.

Last Images and Unanswered Questions

The whereabouts of Charlie and Kala are currently still unknown. No one knows exactly when they disappeared either, although there are clues. Charlie was captured leaving work on the evening of August 31st by security footage in the building. Kala was last seen on August 29th when she had dinner with a friend. Neither of them have been seen or heard from since. After a few days of worrying the parents asked the manager or their apartment complex to check on the couple. The couple had only been dating for a short time and recently decided to move in together.

What the manager found inside caused everyone to fear the worst.


When the manager went to the apartment there was no answer so they forced their way inside. The house showed no sign of recent human activity. More troubling even, was the presence of the couples medication, eyeglasses, and other basic necessities. The beloved dog was also left behind and had been suffering without food and water for several day. The condition of the house and the family pet led many to speculate over the presence of foul play.

A World of Doubt

The police became involved in the case shortly after the empty apartment was discovered. In the past six weeks more questions have come up and none have been answered.

Why did they disappear?

Was it foul play? Or, did they suddenly decide to leave town for a holiday?

As worry began to mount, a new element came into play. Charlie Carver’s Facebook Page suddenly came to life. Usually and infrequent poster on Facebook, Charlie began posting at breakneck speed shortly after the disappearance. Over the past month and a half the page has began posting increasingly bizarre content. Much of it has seemed to be taunting and inciting fear in those closest to the missing couple.

Charlie Carver missing person
This post can only be seen as malicious

Many posts, like the one above, seem to have a malicious intent. The friends and family of Charlie and Kala want answers yet they are greeted daily by posts and messages like this.

Unraveling the Madness

The police have uncovered no leads and the case is turning cold. Friends of the couple have posted numerous theories on Charlies Facebook as they search for answers.

The most popular idea is that this was the work of Charlie’s ex-wife. The two were recently separated and many feel she held a resentment towards Charlie and his new girlfriend. Could an estranged ex-wife be responsible for their murder?

Others believe a hacker has taken over Charlie’s Facebook page. Although this may be true, it still doesn’t explain where the couple is. If they are alive friends can only hoe they return home safely.

A third idea is that Charlie murdered his new girlfriend and has gone into hiding. Facebook posts claiming the two have run off to get married may be an attempt to throw the police off his trail.


Nothing is clear at the moment although things don’t look good for the couple. After 6 weeks no clues have provided information related to their whereabouts. We can only hope they are alive and safe at the moment. Perhaps they did get married and are taking a honeymoon on a tropical island somewhere in the pacific. We will be updating this story once more information is uncovered.

Comment below if you have any information or ideas related to their disappearance.


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