Castle Center Shot: Netflix’s Punisher Series and The American Veteran

In the recent release Netflix series The Punisher not only has the Marvel Netflix collaboration and brought forth another quality series to that streaming service but also there are many things this show has gotten right when it comes to combat veterans and veterans in general.


Throughout the series, we see trauma and how it affects different areas of veterans lives since returning home. And the first several episodes of the series, an ally of The Punisher, runs a group for veterans to discuss what’s going on with our lives and for mutual support. Within this group you here how veterans feel about being ignored by everyone else how the system is off and throws vets to the side despite all the supposed to support given to them.

Jason Moore, as Curtis Hoyle an ally to Frank Castle and a disabled combat veteran who counsels other veterans_Marvel’s The Punisher

We also see how unchecked, untreated trauma and distress can lead one vet to go down a dark and effective path. An analogy to the veterans suicide crisis occurring now, this character’s descent into madness and terror parallels the darkness many combat veteran face.

Daniel Webber as Lewis Wilson, an extremely troubled veteran. _Marvel’s The Punisher

Other characters reflect other veterans lives and how they change once home. There is the older veteran who claims to be a Vietnam Vet, but in fact, faced no real trauma or opposition once home from his stateside assignment. This character is representative of those seek attention and empathy they see other vets receive and is also common of those who did not serve and are part of the phenomenon known as Stolen Valor. Stolen Valor, are either veterans that claim elite or combat injury, or civilians who dress or present themselves falsely as veterans.

Delaney Williams as O’Connor, a veteran who claims problems that he never went through. _Marvel’s The Punisher

Another group represented is the mercenary, or soldier for hire. Although sometimes described as “military contractors” this group is those men and women who feel that their best place to be is back in action, using skills they have learned but have no other place for, outside of a combat zone. Although, a mercenary in concept, this series also addresses the fact that military personnel is quite often underpaid, and forgotten about once they are no longer needed, and that contracting is a way to regain a sense of purpose and worth.

Ben Barnes as Billy Russo , a military contractor who embodies mercenary and all of it’s aspects._Marvel’s The Punisher

Although this series is about Frank Castle, aka The Punisher (Jon Bernthal) it examines with heart and gusto the American military veteran experience.

William Robinson
William Robinson
William Robinson Experienced interviewer, researcher, and original content creator. Graduated from MTI Houston TX. Was a solid contributor with, currently an Associate Editor for I have worked as an interviewer/article writer on the convention scene for over twelve years and covered Wizard World Austin and New Orleans, Comicpalooza, Space City Con, Traders Village Con, Free Comic Book Day, Comic Book Literacy, small press artists and studios, as well as reviews on TV, movies, and other media.

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