The popular Comic convention hosted in Ontario Californian has been a mainstay of Entertainment conventions for the last three years, starting out small it has grown larger with each year and has become known...
In a world twisted beyond recognition, the Justice League must fight to save the multiverse before it is completely destroyed. Spoilers for Dark Nights: Death Metal #1 follow.
It’s rare that comic book events get...
After Adam Strange is accused of murder, there’s only one person that can determine whether he did or not. His name is Mister Terrific. Spoilers for Strange Adventures #2 follow.
After a three-month forced hiatus...
Batman’s long night continues as The Riddler begins the deadliest game of crossword that Gotham has ever seen. Spoilers for Batman #92 follow.
It’s been almost three months since the release of Batman #91, so...
If there is one movie that can effectively same the DC Universe franchise, it seems to be Matt Reeves' The Batman. The visionary director plans on creating a trilogy with Robert Pattinson and a...
While Zatanna and Constantine venture into the Rot to stop its machinations, the rest of the Justice League Dark must contend with the already infected. Spoilers for Justice League Dark #22 follow.
The past two...