
Star Wars #3 Review: Imperial Motivations and Loyalties

Luke, Leia, and Lando return to Cloud City, not only to find Luke’s lightsaber, but to also save a friend. Spoilers for Star Wars #3 follow. The first couple of issues of this new Star Wars...

Detective Comics #1020 Review: To Live or Die as Jekyll or Hyde

Two-Face has returned, causing Batman to try and discern what is now motivating him. Spoilers for Detective Comics #1020 follow. The past ten issues or so of Detective Comics haven’t really lived up to the...

Batman: Curse of the White Knight #7 Review: The Mask Comes Off

Azrael is on the loose and Batman has only one move to stop him. Trust in Gotham to help foil Azrael. Spoilers for Batman: Curse of the White Knight #7 follows. Curse of the White Knight has...

Action Comics #1020 Review: A Superboy and a Superman Team-Up

Leviathan and Lex Luthor have brought war to Metropolis and Superman will need all the help he can muster. Minor spoilers for Action Comics #1020 follow. The past couple of issues of Action Comics have been a bit...

Batman #89 Review: The Truth is About to be Revealed

As Batman continues to hunt assassins, the designs laid out years ago begin to come to fruition. Spoilers for Batman #89 follow. The first couple of issues for James Tynion IV’s run on Batman have been pretty...

Joker: Killer Smile #3 Review: Children’s Stories are Terrifying

If Joker corrupts everything he touches, is there any hope left for the rest of us? If he had it his way, no, no there wouldn’t be any hope. Spoilers for Joker: Killer Smile #3 follow. The...

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