
Batman: Curse of the White Knight #3 Review: The Curse becomes Worse

Wayne Manor is destroyed, tearing down one of the last ties that Batman has to Bruce Wayne. Even though this loss should stop him, he’s determined to stop Joker regardless of anything that happens...

Stillanerd Reads: Powers of X #5 “For the Children”

After House of X #2 revealed Moira MacTaggert as a secret mutant, Powers of X #2 shows how the X-Men, in all timelines, take their fight to the machines. When Powers of X #3...

Action Comics #1015 Review: Naomi is Introduced to the DCU

Naomi has arrived in Metropolis, so what else is Superman going to do other than take her under his wing. Action Comics took a turn at the end of last issue with Bendis’ creation Naomi crashing...

A Novel Review: Strayed #2 Sends Lou After The Flower-Makers

It seems like every time the military makes it to space, bad stuff happens. Science fiction is replete with post-space travel war fleets and interstellar colonization and aliens, and a lot of it is...

Top 10 Best-selling Comics for August 2019

Once again, Marvel dominated the comic book charts over DC last August. In fact, according to Diamond Distributors, Marvel had seven comics in the top ten. So which comics are they? We'll tell you,...

Freelance Is Her Weapon of Choice: An Interview With Liz Courts

Not everyone is cut out to do freelance work or even to do it in a field they love, Liz Courts, however, is doing both. She has worked on ninety different roleplaying products and has...

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