
Marvel Star Wars #68 Review: The Galaxy is Smaller Than You Think

The Empire is on the hunt for the Rebellion and Han, Luke, and Leia are sent on separate missions to throw them off the trail. Minor spoilers for Star Wars # 68 follow. Coming off the...

Justice League Odyssey #11 Review: The Truth of Cyborg

In spite of its flaws, Justice League Odyssey tries to do something different with its characters while also pushing the story forward.

War of the Realms Omega #1: The War is Over, but at What Cost?

War of the Realms Omega is an aftermath issue that takes full advantage of its focus on supporting characters, while also setting up future stories and series. The different segments, for the most part, act as prologues for these series, but also do a great job acting as the epilogue for War of the Realms.

Batman #74 Review: The Sins of the Father Burn Like the Sun

Trapped in the desert with his father, Batman must find a way back to Gotham before Bane begins to inflict irrevocable damage.  Batman by Tom King has consistently been one of the best comics on...

Event Leviathan #2 Review: To Be a Hero or a Villain or Neither?

The intelligence agencies of the DC Universe are gone and Leviathan runs rampant. Only Batman and Lois Lane can gather a team to discover who the mastermind behind Leviathan is.  Event Leviathan started out as...

Catwoman #13 Review: Selina’s Claws Come Out

Catwoman is on the hunt for her kidnapped neighbor, but she doesn’t realize that the kidnapper is about to come to her.   Catwoman, as a series, has had plenty of ups and downs. It really hasn’t...

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