
Art in the Electric Mist: An Interview With Novekai

Not everyone changes from one career path to another, but when they are connected by digital art such a transition may not seem such a wild decision after all. Artist Novekai has been going to...

Music And Words: An Interview With Clancy Weeks

Clancy Weeks is a Houston based author who is also an accomplished composer and music teacher. I recently had the opportunity to interview Mr. Weeks to learn a few things about this multi-talented artist....

It’s A Snap: An Interview With Thanos and Infinity Gauntlet Creator, Jim Starlin

Jim Starlin has been a big part of the comic book industry for the past thirty plus years, and among his creations, such as Drax, Gamora, and Thanos, these comic characters come to life...

The New Pulps: An Interview with Last Sentry Comics

Although very few new comics recognize or acknowledge what has come before, The Last Sentry Comics have gone all in by bringing back the old school feel of those powerhouse progenitors of the genre,...

Friendship And Family Are Like a Sandwich: An Interview with Author Natrix Davis

Although there are a few books on the open market that talk to kids about love and loss there are not many that are quite like the children's book Peanut Butter and Jam. It's...

Who is Major X?: An Interview With Rob Liefeld

Who is Major X? Rob Liefeld the creator of Marvel's Deadpool is back with a brand new character and limited series in the X-Men universe. Releasing on April 3rd Major X will tell the...

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