Tyler Walke has a unique connection to the world of anime. besides being a voice actor on such series as Spy X Family, Attack on Titan, and My Hero Academia, Tyler Walker has also...
The Kimo Kawaii Anime Experience & Convention continues the tradition of giving attendees a more interactive convention experience with voice acting opportunities, a Japanese Arcade room hosted by Okashi Houston, Battle of the Bands,...
This year Fan ExpoDallas is bringing all new activities for your family, as well as events for connection, community, and comics..
June 9th through 11th 2023, at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, this year's...
You say you like comic books and their media, well at Fan Expo Dallas you're in for a treat.
Coming to Fan Expo Dallas are comic book movie and TV stars such as Zachary Levi...
On April 22nd and 23rd at the Pasadena Convention Center in Pasadena Texas fans of anime gaming especially Pokemon were created to a very special convention for those two days, Retropalooza.
At the show featured...
The Countdown is On! FAN EXPO Dallas Returns to North Texas June 9-11, 2023
Organizers of the three-day pop culture event keep building an extensive line-up of guests and events
April 27, 2023- DALLAS —Year after...