Ray Hurd has been working in the voice-over and voice-acting industry for two decades. from narration to voice acting for anime to reading for audiobooks, Ray Hurd has shown himself to be a force...
The 3-part Lipstick Cliqa series tells the story of an all-female Vampire chola gang that findthemselves forced into a turf battle where their only option is to defend their neighborhood andavenge their family's honor...
In the realm of comic book publishing, there are those that think that sticking with the same old formula is the sure path to success. They see safety before creativity, but not so with...
Discover the new take on Don Quixote and War of the Worlds. What would have happened if aliens invaded medieval Spain? Well, now Humanity has an unlikely defender in Don Quixote in this action-packed...
I had the pleasure of speaking with Sam Haine (Slow City Blues) and John Schrad a Los Angeles-based illustrator about their new project A KAIJU CHRISTMAS. Which is a children's book for All Ages based on The Night...
Michael Chambers has a unique background and introduction into the annals of Hollywood. Starting out as a lead in two decade-defining dance films (Breaking and Breaking 2). They showed the skill and capabilities he...