Before Donald Trump ever dreamed of becoming the President of the United States, he had aspirations of becoming a Hollywood heavyweight. Yet, Trump barely made any sort of impression with his reality series, The...
Alien: Covenant is the highly anticipated 6th installment of the horrifying Alien series. First created by famed director Ridley Scott the franchise was a benchmark of science fiction and created the subgenre of sci-fi...
Most of the breaking news these days seems to be centered around Billionaire, Tycoon and leader of the free world Donald Trump. Trump once again made the headlines for an incident that occurred as...
According to a report from THR Zack Snyder is stepping down as director of Justice League during the post-production and re-shoot phase of the film. For the remaining post production and re-shoot portion of...
UPDATE: Police are now treating this as an active terrorist investigation. Reports are stating that a nail bomb was exploded in the box office of the concert venue.
Several concert goers have been killed at...
Next time your flying back home from your Summer trip to Europe, you may find yourself without your most reliable companion: your Laptop.
Recent security measures passed by the Trump administration in March, and supported...