
In Extremis: An Under The Lens Review

Under the lens takes a deep look at films by focusing in on one or two particular areas of the picture that helped to define it for better or for worse. In Extremis is a 2021 post-apocalyptic...

Space Jam A New Legacy: A Viralhare Movie Review

Let's face it- the original “Space Jam” was a marketing ploy. It featured a just-back-to-the-NBA Michael Jordan, Looney Tunes, McDonald's tie-ins, and a bunch of cameos from people having fun for a buck. There...

No Sudden Moves: A Viral Hare Movie Review

Oh, that tricky Steven Soderbergh! The real leader of the “Oceans Eleven” movies gets back together with some of his former collaborators, and writer Ed Solomon, for “No Sudden Move”, a genre exercise in...

Luca: A Viral Hare Movie Review

Luca is the kind of Pixar movie that’s less a disappointment and more a sign that the studio has found a comfort within itself. Not everything has to be a think piece on dealing...

Fatherhood: A Viral Hare Movie Review

Fatherhood is nothing if not apt Netflix programming for this fathers day weekend. It also offers Kevin Hart another chance to be more sympathetic and sincere than usual, and he’s quite good in those...

The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard: A Viral Hare Movie Review

Roger Ebert used to say that the First Law of Funny Names is that “Funny Names, in general, are a sign of desperation at the screenplay level.” “The Hitman” franchise is a sure sign...

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