Chronicles of Narnia – What Will Netflix Do With The Franchise?

Most young people and fans of fantasy are familiar with the Chronicles of Narnia book series by C.S. Lewis or the Disney/Walden Media collaborative movies of a few years ago. But, now Netflix wants to bring the splendor of Cair Paravel and the power of Aslan to the small screen.

A still from the 1979 animated version of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe

Besides the aforementioned movies, this would not be the first time Narnia has been adapted to broadcast media. The first book in the series, The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe was turned into an animated feature years ago, and the BBC produced a live-action interpretation of the first four books of the series during the 1980s. The difference is that this time, Narnia will have the quality and backing of Netflix to bring it to life.

Overseen by John Gresham, Lewis’s adopted son, the idea of a Narnia TV and Film series has many the wanna-be-Lantern Waste dweller giddy with anticipation.

So, here are the top five ideas for a movie or series we would like to see from the Wardrobe:

5 – The Breath of Narnia: An anthology series that spends time with the different races and people of Narnia, with a character that connects the next episode. For example Puddleglum the Marshwiggle, after an episode highlighting Marshwiggles, hikes to the Dwarf village to trade pipe tobacco, then we explore the Dwarves of Narnia, and so on. It would be a good way to explore a world only hinted about in the books.

Tom Baker, yes that Tom Baker, as Puddleglum The Marshwiggle, giving a speech to inspire some lost youngsters. A typical day in Narnia.

4 – Archenland: A good two-hour movie of the closest Ally of Narnia, how it was founded, its relationship to Cair Paravel, and it’s best-known citizens would be a good way to dig into a country on hinted at in ‘A Horse and His Boy’. And speaking of a closer look at the kingdoms of Narnia.

Sketch from The Chronicles of Narnia book, A Horse and his Boy, the court of Archenland

3 – Tales of Calormen: A land steeped in the spectacle and mystery, Calormen seemed to be a unique blend of the lands of India and Persia. Learning the history of this courteous and cruel land would be a treat indeed. And seeing the reaction of the extended royal families reaction to a princess of Calormen marrying a prince of Archenland, again from ‘A Horse and His Boy’ would be a great way to tie these films together.

Sketch from A Horse and His Boy, Aravis a princess of the nation of Calormen, reunites with Cor a prince of Archenland she had become friends with, whom she would later marry. Fun fact, C.S.Lewis was one of the first children’s book authors of his time to have a mixed marriage in a book.

2 – The Path of The Pevensie: a mini-series about how being a king or queen of Narnia affected the kids from The Lion, Witch, and The Wardrobe would be a way to see how their lives had changed. Also, having a closer look at how a certain member of the family fell away from the path of Aslan would be insightful.

1 – Jadis: The Hidden Years: In the book of Narnia’s origin, ‘The Magicians Nephew’, Jadis is brought by accident to the founding of Narnia, and in Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, is the White Queen which rules over all of Narnia. Seeing how she gained such power and was able to gather such an alliance of evil animals and creatures to her would be a terrific film or mini-series.

Although we are sure that the team working on these movies and series, we are sure they will be top-notch, for us Wardrobe searchers and who serve The Emperor-Beyond-The-Sea, these are a few ideas we would like to see happen.

William Robinson
William Robinson
William Robinson Experienced interviewer, researcher, and original content creator. Graduated from MTI Houston TX. Was a solid contributor with, currently an Associate Editor for I have worked as an interviewer/article writer on the convention scene for over twelve years and covered Wizard World Austin and New Orleans, Comicpalooza, Space City Con, Traders Village Con, Free Comic Book Day, Comic Book Literacy, small press artists and studios, as well as reviews on TV, movies, and other media.

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