In Conroe, Texas, a community comic and sci-fi convention was held from Friday, March 8th to Sunday, March 10th, 2024. Comic Conroe has been a regular con in Montgomery County and is going on its 4th year. Although it may not host super famous or the latest greatest celebrity at its shows, it has been consistently finding a variety of guests for the fans to visit with. In their first year they hosted Kevin Sorbo and Booker T. This year they hosted writer, producer, and actor Kevin Grevioux, John O’Hurley of Seinfeld and Family Feud Fame, wrestling legend Brutus Beefcake, and veteran actor George Wyner. Also, several established artists and authors, artists, and vendors of all kinds were there.
They also held panels on cosplay, talks with celebrity guests, and even a hot sauce challenge. Also, in honor of guest John O’Hurley, they held a nerd Family Feud.
The Lone Star Convention Center in Conroe Texas may not be the biggest venue for shows however they are smart enough to place fan groups such as USS Zavala, a Star Trek fan group, next to a larger crafts vendor, and Star Wars fan groups from the Star wars enthusiasts of Houston and the 501st, and a large corner towards the front of the inside of the convention center. That placement was a good anchor for the layout of the convention floor the vendors and fan groups had plenty of space that dominated the main convention floor, the celebrity guest had their area which was not in for cross-traffic for the vendors, and the main stage they used throughout the show. They were even able to put aside a small area used by the armored combat group, a group of people who practice and compete and medieval-style combat, think of several demonstrations and have room to keep both the members and the visitors safe while watching. Also utilizing the front entrance smartly, they were able to utilize the front hallway to host several cosplayers. Although, at any show no matter how organized it is mishaps can happen, Conroe has gotten better at managing and maintaining their show. And is becoming a standout example of what a community-based comic convention can be about. Although they have to use the old-school trade show model, it works well for the size of their venue.
Also, even though their food prices have gone up a bit at this convention, compared to larger cons, the prices are still pretty reasonable for what they offer. Also, they manage their ticket prices and for now, they are also able to have free parking. These factors enable families who want to go to these types of conventions the opportunity to spend more money at the venues and purchase autographs and photos from the celebrities in attendance as well as spend more money to support the vendors and artists at the show.

Community shows like this need to be supported and helped out through attending and supporting the vendors and artists at these size shows so they can grow and be maintained at a pace where the expansion fits with the needs of other local communities.
Comet Conroe for those in the greater Harris, Montgomery, county areas is a great starting point for the convention season in Texas.