Could COVID-19 Help Get The Jericho Season 5 Graphic Novel Released?

The Season 5 graphic novel of the cult classic TV show Jericho is something all fans have been waiting for these last few years. This graphic novel has been somewhat of an enigma, not unlike the fabled Snydercut of Justice League, the Jericho season 5 graphic novel’s existence has been floating about for a long time, yet it has not been released. As everyone knows Jericho was a show that was cancelled, resurrected by a massive fan campaign, and then canceled again.

The show was brought back in graphic novel form by IDW comics in the form of “Jericho Season 3 and Jericho Season 4” The novels were best sellers and were reprinted many times, in fact, it was the popularity of the comics that breathed new life into the Save Jericho Campaign. Given the ending of the Jericho Season 4 graphic novel, it was fully expected for a “Jericho Season 5” to be released.

As I talked about in this article, the Jericho Season 5 graphic novel was finished and completed (Written, inked and proofed) and was ready to go to print, but the production had been halted by individuals within CBS.

Why The Jericho Season 5 Graphic Novel is needed now more than ever

As stated above the Jericho comic and graphic novels were very very popular, at a time when many comics (even DC and Marvel) are struggling. With the arrival of COVID-19 and the nationwide shelter in place rules being enacted, comic stores and comics, in general, are suffering.

With some calling this an extinction-level event for comics, as many publishers are halting shipments and brick and mortar stores are closing as they don’t fall under the aspect of “Essential”, some have made deals with cities to offer curbside pickup and other ways, but it would be a lie to say the industry that was already struggling was not being dealt another staggering blow by this pandemic.

But enough of this depressing news! There is always a silver lining and a light at the end of the tunnel, and I believe that this comic book crisis could actually help Jericho, and Jericho could help the comic industry, am I crazy? Well, let’s break it down, Jericho is a series about a nationwide disaster (Which includes a pandemic that takes place within the show) and with COVID-16 sweeping the globe people have been seeking disaster-related media to watch, so Jericho is already a relevant story. Right now there is not a relevant graphic novel series that has name recognition with a large built-in fan base, that has a fully complete book ready for production, Jericho has all of this.

What’s more, the US comic industry will be THIRSTY for a hit with a brand that can sell thousands and thousands of copies once the pandemic is over. While publishers will be racing to find something to sell as the comic stores try and rebuild, IDW and CBS could drop a FULLY finished book almost immediately that will be a guaranteed bestseller, that just happens to also be on a very popular topic, America rebuilding after a national tragedy.

Will IDW and CBS Step up for the comic industry?

We saw a similar story play out back in 2015 when Terminator Genysis released in China and smashed records. This was due to the film being the first American release in many months and the excited audiences rushed out to see the new movie. Much the same thing could happen with the release of Jericho Season 5, dropped into an empty vacuum with little compitition and build-in audiences. It’s a no brainer to release, and IDW and CBS would have a mega-hit on their hands.

IDW and CBS have an opportunity here to not only help the comic industry recover after the devastating event of CONVID-19 but also to please its loyal fanbase of Jericho Rangers. Let’s hope they step up and we can all support our local comic book stores by rushing out to buy the next Jericho graphic novel.

CHECK OUT: Why We Fight: Jericho A 10-year History

Byron Lafayette
Byron Lafayette
Byron Lafayette is a film critic and journalist. He is the current Chairman of the Independent Film Critics of America, as well as the Editor and Lead Film Critic for Viralhare and a Staff Writer for Film Obsessive. He also contributes to What Culture and many other publications. He considers Batman V Superman the best superhero film ever made and hopes one day that the genius of Josh Lucas will be recognized.

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  1. 🥜NUTS🥜 for Jericho graphic novel…….more episodes. Great writing, awesome storyline that as relevant as ever with the current crisis. Really hope CBS and IDW get the book done; it’s been a longtime coming…
    Still a Jericho Ranger, always be a Jericho Ranger. 😎

  2. Cancel culture be, cbs k owe it has so etching and will hold out for money. Bring the next season out and make a series or even a made for tv movie. Use the first two original seasons obviously. And bring back original cast.


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