Crawl: An Under The Lens Review

Under the lens takes a deep look at films by focusing in on one or two particular areas of the picture that helped to define it for better or for worse. Spoilers will be included in this review.

Crawl is a horror-thriller picture that stars Barry Pepper and Kaya Scodelario as a father-daughter duo who must join forces to survive a nest of alligators that are hungry for human flesh.

Under The Lens: Story and Cinematography & Sets

Story: In the end, Crawl is a story about family and reconciliation, Haley and her father are estranged, yet they both love each other very much. The life and death struggle they find themselves in is the push they need to realize just how silly the differences are between them. The story is very well-paced and never lets up for a moment, the reason for the gaters being around made sense and for once the gaters were very realistic and very scary.

Cinematography & Sets: Cinematography is not something one thinks of when watching a horror picture. However, Crawl has a few shots that are very beautiful. The final scene which sees Haley holding a flair for the helicopter to see is well shot and very atmospheric in nature. We see the rain, wind, and the red of the flare as the helicopter floodlight shines down, to a shot of Haley from the back waving it high. A second scene finds Haley attacked by a gater that grabs her by the shoulder and drags her underwater, its shot in a room, and the camera followers them down as the creature goes in a death roll. The lighting and setting are horrifying and beautiful all at the same time.


Kaya Scodelario does a good job, in the film showcasing various emotions. Plus she has a GREAT horror movie scream.

The pictures CGI is pretty decent and allows for the audience to have a break every once in a while from the closed-in space of the house.

Something to think about

What would you do if you found yourself and a family member in a situation like is presented in Claw?


Overall Crawl is a very decent picture, it does not do anything new or break new ground. However, it provides scares and thrills for an hour and a half. It’s never so gory as to disgust, or jumpy enough to be unenjoyable. It’s a perfect Saturday afternoon picture.

Byron Lafayette
Byron Lafayette
Byron Lafayette is a film critic and journalist. He is the current Chairman of the Independent Film Critics of America, as well as the Editor and Lead Film Critic for Viralhare and a Staff Writer for Film Obsessive. He also contributes to What Culture and many other publications. He considers Batman V Superman the best superhero film ever made and hopes one day that the genius of Josh Lucas will be recognized.

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Overall Crawl is a very decent picture, it does not do anything new or break new ground. However, it provides scares and thrills for an hour and a half. It's never so gory as to disgust, or jumpy enough to be unenjoyable. It's a perfect Saturday afternoon picture to watch curled up on the couch. Crawl: An Under The Lens Review