Originally a PC only beta, this humble mix of comic book mythos and an Unreal Engine gaming system grew to become a cross-platform worldwide gaming phenomenon, now on its seventh year, and it shows no signs of slowing down.

Utilizing a unique combat system, new players can take on roles for combat, tank (team protector and heavy hitter), controller (team crows control and power recharger), and healer (Nuff said). Although all roles can default to combat, r damage role, it is the team aspect that is best used in boss fights. Free to play, you have the option to purchase membership or purchase and download different episodes and elements for your character.

Being a game based on DC Comics, those bosses can be anyone from The Penguin, to Lex Luthor, evil Kryptonians, or the big bad behind the 80’s Crisis on Infinite Earth’s, The Anti Monitor.
At the creation of a new character to embed into the games and comics mythos, you can choose mentors for the good guys of Superman, Batman, or Wonder Woman, or for the bad Joker, Lex Luthor, or Circe. Throughout the game, and sometimes with the purchase of downloadable content or DLC, the player can get gear that helps them to embody their favorite DC Comics characters.
The game also allows the players to travel to DC Comics locales such as Metropolis, Gotham, Central City, and even New Genesis, Thymescaria, and Oa.

Originally owned by Sony, the game was originally only available on PC and PlayStation platforms.However, after recently being acquired by Daybreak games, Xbox is now included, and players all over the world can join and fight together or against one another within this virtual DC universe.

Although their anniversary event ends this January, the folks behind the game have promised lots of events, cool updates and fun to come for their comic book-based world.
So, slip on your cape, pick out a mask, and slide down the bat pole for a fun-filled crazy gaming ride.