“DCUO has been dead since the 2011 cyber attack. It’s still dead today nearing the death of this game for a while now.”
“DCUO is crap, it’s dead, nobody even plays anymore”
The above quotes or some version of them have shown up on social media, gaming blogs, and in the DC Universe Online forums themselves.
This negative view of the game has been around for years, however, I’d like to take a look at why DCUO has never been more alive.
However dire that prediction seemed, membership, in-game purchases, and cross-play between PC, Playstation, and X Box platforms remain steady and pretty consistent on in-game populations.

And a new platform will be bringing the DCEU to gamers on the Nintendo Switch. This will start on August 6th, 2019, and the anticipation of a new platform to play on is high. With server connections able to set up crossplay between platforms, the development, art, and story teams have taken a unique way of looking at the DC entertainment universe.

From item capsules that tie into movies or comic storylines, to downloadable content or DLC episodes that go deep into DC mythology, this game is far from dead.
Like other MMORPG or Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game, platforms DCUO has your typical damage dealing role, which is the default for all players, but also three support roles.
Controller-keep the opposing forces off of your teams back, and keep their powers charged. Within this group of powers are the gadgets of Batman, the light powers of Green Lantern or Sinestro, or the mental powers of J’onn J’onzz.
Healer – self-descriptive, really, but along with healing your team, you can also utilize shielding to keep them safe. Power sets include water control, ala Mera, Nature powers like Poison Ivy or Beast Boy, and celestial powers akin to The Spectre.
Tank – Helps to protect teammates by taking damage, low-level healing, and adding protective measures. Power such as Mr. Freeze or Killer Frost’s Ice mastery, Geo Force’s Earth power, and Firestorm’s atomic abilities are all under this umbrella.
Basic powers come in-game, with three powers each group, then additional powers are available via subscription or separate purchase. Also, during gameplay, you can either earn or purchase, various iconic costume and appearance sets during gameplay. It’s possible to have a very convincing ninja, pulp, anime or even Green Lantern or Bat-character over time.
Team ups with iconic characters from the hero side include Superman

Versus Lex Luthor.

Also, you can fight Joker’s clowns with an ice tornado while trying to free Commissioner Gordon.

Or you can combat Harley Quinn.

You can also purchase unique bases and items such as an underwater base with Atlantean highlights and undersea scenery.

If you are new to the game, YouTube Channels such as Torikumu’s are helpful.
And for those playing on the NintendoSwitch, the good people at DCUO/Daybreak games have provided com helpful info at the following links:
I’m an original DCUO player, since PS3 closed beta, now on XB1. This game has had tough times, but it is more alive now then it was in the last 3 years. What truly sets this game apart isn’t even the game itself, but the dcu lore it exposes players to. I cannot count how many nights I fell asleep researching obscure dc lore and references. I’m a bigger DC fan now then I was when I found the entire “Death of Superman” comic collection at a garage sale. I will say playing the free version isn’t going to sell you. Buy the month and you’ll see why the love is still there.
Oh you have got to be kidding. You have been Paying way too long. Game is broken, has been, it’s a cash grab. Played since year 1, it’s no where near where it was when it was playable.
Game is still alive and plays fine. Nothing broken about it. Just some salty kids crying about change. Game is more vibrant than it has ever been. Mire depth than year one, ton mire content, and runs smoother than ever. Quit listening to the hate from these fools that don’t play and have some skewed view from an outdated perspective.
Extreme p2w and limited this cash grab only have the smallest player base who are stupid to waste money in this crap, no new players only same dumbasses with another account waiting they times keep in mind this crap killed SOE
And yet, a couple of you felt it was worthy enough to comment on despite your issues with the game. Interesting.
I play on the Switch and it’s alive on there a lot of ppl still play it and we get thru it just fine . The reason they bashing it cuz they didnt like it or they to cheap to pay for extra stuff but yeah thanks for the creators this is their job they got to make a living too but the way people are today everybody’s selfish and won’t something for nothing just they cheap cuz I’ve seen a bunch of people on other side say stuff about having paid for legendary you can pretty much get to the game on the free account then having to pay for legendary you still be good on the free account I played for years on free before I went legendary or they just plan not any good and got a ass whoopin lol