Detective Comics #1010 Review: The Stranded and The Lost

Deadshot has crashed the plane Bruce Wayne was and is now holding the rest of the passengers hostage. Bruce must figure out a way to defeat Deadshot before he kills anyone else. Minor spoilers for Detective Comics #1010 follow.

Detective Comics #1009 was quite a disappointment. Mister Freeze was barely in the issue and the “Year of the Villain” tag felt more like a false advertisement than anything. Thankfully, that problem seems to be rectified for the most part with issue #1010 as something that has to do with the actual story of the issue is the cover. However, it’s that story that is the downfall of this issue. It’s simply not that interesting. It’s by far the worst thing that’s been released regarding Detective Comics, that goes to “Deface the Face” last year, but it’s definitely a lower-tier story.

The problem with this story is that there’s nothing really of interest going on in it. You can see what is trying to happen, put Batman out of his element and have him adjust, but nothing really makes him feel like he’s out of his element. Sure, he’s hurt, but after a couple of pages, he’s fighting like he didn’t just survive a plane crash, which way too many people survived by the way.  But really, you’re supposed feel scared that Bruce is in a fight that he can’t win but, in execution, there’s a moment where it doesn’t feel like he can win the fight.

Image by DC Comics/Art by Christian Duce

It honestly feels like this issue, the previous issue, and the next issue, are filler issues before Mister Freeze arrives. There’s no connective tissue to previous themes and stories that have been told in this run, nor does it feel transformative. This arc, including this middle issue of the arc, feel transitory at best. Hopefully, that will change during the final issue of the arc, but as of now, that isn’t the case.

On a personal note, Deadshot just isn’t that interesting of a villain by himself. He’s never been that interesting of character when in the solo villain role and always works better in a team setting, especially with the Suicide Squad. By himself, especially up against Batman, it feels like the same kind of fight over and over again.

The art in this issue is serviceable as well. It’s nothing great, but it’s not bad either. The action is well laid out and the emotiveness of the character’s work well, even if a bit overdone at times. Because the story is weak though, there isn’t much for Christian Duce to do. He does what he can, but he can’t really do much more than that.

CHECK OUT: Detective Comics #1009 Review: No Winter Coats Necessary

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Detective Comics has been on a downward slide for the past couple issues so hopefully that will be rectified soon.Detective Comics #1010 Review: The Stranded and The Lost