Drawing In The Delta: Artist Invasion at Fan Expo NOLA

When most comics fans go to a comic convention, they look for the people that draw their favorite funny book. That artist that makes the villains slink and the heroes soar.

At Fan Expo New Orleans, the artist lineup will fill any comic checklist of meet-ups at a con.

During the weekend of January 6-9,2022, at The Ernest Morial Convention Center, artists from the newest to the legends will be attending.

Amongst the array of amazing legendary artists and comic creators will be Michael Golden (Micronauts), Renee Wittersatter (colorist), Arthur ‘Art’ Adams (Spider-Man, X-Men) Alan Davis(Ex-Calibur), Terry Kavanagh, Howard Mackie, Joe Rubinstein (Iron Man), Ron Wilson, and Guy Gilchrist (Muppets and Nancy comic strips).

For the Marvel fans, artists and creators such as Gerry Duggan (X-men, Savage Avengers), Mark Russell(Fantastic Four: Life Story), Larry Stroman (X-Factor), and Fabrice Sapolsky (Co-Creator of Spider-Man: Noir) will be in artist’s alley.

DC Comics will have their brightest creators in attendance as well, Evan ‘Doc’ Shaner (Strange Adventures, Shazam), Kami Garcia (Teen Titans: Raven loves Beast Boy), Yanick Paquette(COVER ARTIST, Wonder Woman, Batman, Swamp Thing),Matthew Clark (Wonder Woman), Mostafa Moussa (Justice League, TMNT).

Mostafa Mousa

Other comic artists and creators attending will be Ben Templesmith (Wormwood, 30 days of night), Russ Braun (The Boys), Gigi Dutreix (Sonic the Hedgehog), Joe Eisma (Riverdale, Morning Glories), Rob Guillory (Chew, Farmhand), Travis Hymel(Trailer Park Boys), Joyce Chin (Cover artist), Gigi Dutreix (Sonic the Hedgehog), Joe Eisma (Riverdale, Morning Glories), Rob Guillory (Chew, Farmhand)

Tim Lattie

Fan favorite Tim Lattie (Ghostbusters, TMNT, GI Joe) will be there also, John Layman(Chu, Chew, Bermuda, Leviathan, Outer Darkness), Jarrett Melendez (Chef’s Kiss), Arthur Suydam (Zombie King), Preston Asevedo(Doc Salem, Punk Mambo), Steven Burks (Illustrator), Chris Campana (Tmnt, Parker Reef).

CHeck out these artists and the fantastic vendors coming to Fan EXpo New orleans. For ticket prices, schedules, and other important info, click on or navigate to: https://fanexpohq.com/fanexponeworleans/

William Robinson
William Robinson
William Robinson Experienced interviewer, researcher, and original content creator. Graduated from MTI Houston TX. Was a solid contributor with Moviepilot.com, currently an Associate Editor for ViralHare.com. I have worked as an interviewer/article writer on the convention scene for over twelve years and covered Wizard World Austin and New Orleans, Comicpalooza, Space City Con, Traders Village Con, Free Comic Book Day, Comic Book Literacy, small press artists and studios, as well as reviews on TV, movies, and other media.

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