Dreadstar’s Blazing Return: An Interview with Jim Starlin

Jim Starlin is known best in some circles as the guy who created such well-known comic book mainstays such as the mad Eternal Thanos, and The Infinity Gauntlet. But, his own creation a series that chronicles the adventures of the intrepid Vanth Dreadstar and his group of misfits that travel together to protect the citizens of their universe as well as get into various types of trouble.

Dreadstar Background

The story has a long history, starting in “The Metamorphosis Odyssey”, in Epic Illustrated #3. Although Vanth Dreadstar is not the main character, he gets pulled into high-powered adventures, that becomes further entangled at the end of one galaxy, and the start of his life on another. Starting out as a hunter, he acquires a power sword (take that He-Man), and becomes a protector of a planet, and along the way gets pulled into the aforementioned end of a galaxy. He lives for a time in peace on a world that has taken him in, however, that peace was short-lived due to evil Lord High Papal of the Instrumentality, the head of a theocracy that wants to conquer the universe. However, he clashes with Dreadstar and his allies, and eventually, they prevail.

Originally published by Marvel’s Epic line, the Dreadstar series has been also been published by First and Malibu comics, and put in some time in an Elsewhere story at Malibu Comics. The saga is a part of the aforementioned “The Metamorphosis Odyssey”, which is tied into “The Price” graphic novel from Eclipse Comics, as well as a self-titled “Dreadstar” graphic novel published by Marvel Comics.

Vanth Dreadstar, whompin those what need whompin.

ViralHare had the opportunity to interview Mister Starlin and learn why he brought his favorite fan creation back, where he’s going and how this book was a good thing to do, and how he came to work with the book’s inker Jamie Jameson.

The embedded video does have some mild language:

What’s next for Dreadstar

There are future graphic novels coming in the series from Ominous Press, and as mentioned in the video there is a secret project in the works with artist Rags Morales.

Spoiled royals, and a dead green space beast, this is how the new graphic novel gets started.

If you were a fan of the original Epic comics title from the eighties, or just sweeping epic cosmic stories of adventure, survival, and unrequited love, then this would be a graphic novel for you. You can order the entire series contained in three parts, known as The Dreadstar Omnibus, the Dreadstar Universe guidebook, which is a comprehensive look into the characters and universe of this epic series, as well as Dreadstar Returns from Ominous Press, by clicking here.

William Robinson
William Robinson
William Robinson Experienced interviewer, researcher, and original content creator. Graduated from MTI Houston TX. Was a solid contributor with Moviepilot.com, currently an Associate Editor for ViralHare.com. I have worked as an interviewer/article writer on the convention scene for over twelve years and covered Wizard World Austin and New Orleans, Comicpalooza, Space City Con, Traders Village Con, Free Comic Book Day, Comic Book Literacy, small press artists and studios, as well as reviews on TV, movies, and other media.

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