Event Leviathan #6 Review: The Truth is Revealed

Leviathan has been revealed, but what exactly does that mean for the world? Spoilers for Event Leviathan #6 follow.

Event Leviathan has been nothing short of excellent mystery that DC Comics hasn’t released in quite some time. It has invoked Batman: The Long Halloween vibes in the best ways possible. It’s been an intriguing mystery that has brought in facets from many different areas of the DC universe in smart and inventive ways. Now with it ending and the truth being revealed, does it live up to the slow burn mystery that has consumed the series? Yes and no.

What this is ending gets right is in its reveal of who Leviathan is and what exactly their motivations are. So, final warning for spoilers. The reveal that Leviathan is Mark Shaw, a former Manhunter, is an inspired choice to have as Leviathan as it makes a lesser-known legacy character an important part of the modern mythos. For fans of the Manhunter character, the reveal is even more shocking (admittedly, I have no connection to the character), but even for those who don’t have an attachment, the issue does a great job of establishing his place in the universe.

Image by DC Comics/Art by Alex Maleev

The thematic elements of this issue are also extremely strong once Shaw begins diving into his motivations. Everything that’s driving him makes complete sense and honestly, makes you want to root for him. Basically, Shaw is condemning the world for the secrets that it keeps and the status quo of the world. Then we hear what can happen if his plan comes to fruition. Economies and countries could possibly collapse which raises the question if these things are built on secrets and lies, why shouldn’t they collapse? It creates an interesting dilemma as we’re supposed to be rooting for our heroes, but deep down, it’s difficult to do that because of what Shaw presents.

Where the issue falls flat though is how it ends. The issue ends with Shaw being revealed to the world by Lois Lane publishing an article. While it makes perfect sense for Lois to do so, the fact that nothing else happens feels a bit anti-climactic. This is a bit disappointing after five issues of great build-up and an otherwise solid issue.

Alex Maleev’s art elevates so much that is on the page to create something more grounded and real. His art is gritty with feeling dirty, which is a hard distinction to make. His art manages to balance an otherworldly feeling that makes you feel uneasy while reading, while also feeling it is based in the real world. This is what Maleev has done well for years and he continues to do so with this final issue of the series.

CHECK OUT: Event Leviathan #5 Review: A Very Twisty Mystery Continues

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Event Leviathan ends on a strong thematic note, even if the plot is a bit anti-climactic.Event Leviathan #6 Review: The Truth is Revealed