Fandom At Warp Speed: Catching Up with USS Zavala

You see them here and there, fans who don’t just wear their favorite characters on t-shirts or gathered to go to the movies or hang out. But, there are those groups who have nice polo’s or button-downs that have a design or patch that shows that they are a member of a fan organizations that reaches all over the globe, those that share a worldwide interest in Star Trek and the USS Zavala is one such group.

This Houston-based chapter of Star Fleet, the international Star Trek Fan Association, has been a regular presence at cons in the greater Houston area. Like most organizations, there are rules and guidelines on how the members represent their fandom and are part of their chapter and region for representing Star Trek. Although “Trekkies”, has been used as a sometimes disparaging statement, the members of this group embrace the name and all of the optimism brought forth in the grand creation of Gene Roddenberry.

This is the incredible display/booth that was set up by the crew of the USS Zavala, although a few other fan groups attended during the weekend, this group by far had the best presence and was active for the entire weekend.

One of the unique aspects of most modern fan groups is their community involvement and the Zavala is no exception, they work with the Houston Area Women’s Center and the Texas Children’s Hospital in fundraising efforts and representation at the events they attend in an effort to demonstrate the qualities of being better people that they feel is an important part of the core of Trek.

While attending Comic Conroe, I was able to spend a few minutes speaking with Star Fleet Admiral Lucy Franck, commander of the USS Zavala, and she shared one of her favorite con moments interacting with a Star Trek actor, and the future of Trek fandom at shows..

This fan group is a very dynamic representation of what fan groups can be, and the awesomeness of Star Trek Fandom, may they continue to boldly go.

William Robinson
William Robinson
William Robinson Experienced interviewer, researcher, and original content creator. Graduated from MTI Houston TX. Was a solid contributor with, currently an Associate Editor for I have worked as an interviewer/article writer on the convention scene for over twelve years and covered Wizard World Austin and New Orleans, Comicpalooza, Space City Con, Traders Village Con, Free Comic Book Day, Comic Book Literacy, small press artists and studios, as well as reviews on TV, movies, and other media.

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