FanExpo Dallas Connects Community and Kids

This year Fan ExpoDallas is bringing all new activities for your family, as well as events for connection, community, and comics..

June 9th through 11th 2023, at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, this year’s Fan Expo Dallas where plenty of fun for everyone

 Among their new family activities for this year, they will have the Minecraft Builders space, a Lego Builders pit, Camp reading, the Maker’s Table, Star Wars dress up and photo experience, fantasy dress up and photo experience, Super Cape creation, and a Bouncy Farm

Also, this year in honor of Steve from Blue’s Clues being a guest, they’ll have The Fan Expo Dallas show floor scavenger hunt. blue needs help your help solving a puzzle. and she’s left paw prints all over the show floor. look for her favorite booths get your hand in a notebook, and get the clues to solve the puzzle. also this year, they’ll have family-friendly screenings all weekend such as Star Wars the Clone Wars, Pokemon: the first movie, and more. 

Speaking of Star Wars Padawans 12 and younger will be able to participate in a grand lightsaber battle. using safe savers they will be able to battle to find the chosen one. note, all participants and/or guardians will are required to sign a safety waiver.

Kids will have the first-time opportunity to do tabletop gaming, play laser tag, and try out the Japanese arcade. And if you want to get an idea of what it’s like to be part of the Fantastic media industry there are workshops to explore careers in pop culture, dive into comics animation, participate in the kids costume contest, and there’s even cosplay meetups for the whole family. 

Also, at Fan Expo Dallas, there will be activities that connect the community to the convention. Broadway Dallas promotes excellence and live musical theater and they’re coming to Fan Expo. still have memorabilia, an opportunity to share treasured memories and panels that’ll give you a peek behind the scenes of the world of theater and more.

Also for all those who feel the Force, there will be over 4000 ft of interactive experiences from a galaxy far far away costume groups such as the 501st Legion, there will be Droid builders, and life-size Star Wars vehicles will be at the show.

 And if you’re a fantasy fan you can take a photo as you take the Iron Throne and the fan group the DFW Critter Crew will be on hand to give you an opportunity to dive into fantasy.

 Also, life  finds a way at Fan Expo Dallas they’re celebrating 25 years of Jurassic Park with photo ops experiences at the show and Plan 9 replicas will give you an opportunity to get up close and personal with your favorite Jurassic Park vehicles

And if your favorite mode of travel happens to be a big blue police box, then you definitely want to stop by the booth for DFW Gallifrey to share all things Whovian both past and present. and since it’s a booth that celebrates the Doctor there should be plenty of causes to discuss and connect over. and if you’re looking for a Cause it’ll be non-profits at the convention they’ll give opportunities to participate and help out those less fortunate that all who are heroes at heart can help out. 

For more info on the events, ticket prices, and other info, click here : Fan Expo Dallas

FAN EXPO Dallas runs Friday, June 9 through Sunday, June 11, 2023

Friday, June 9 from 4:00 P.M. to 9:00 P. M.

Saturday, June 10 from 10:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M.

Sunday, June 11 from 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.

The show The Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center is located at 650 S. Griffin St. Dallas, TX 75202

William Robinson
William Robinson
William Robinson Experienced interviewer, researcher, and original content creator. Graduated from MTI Houston TX. Was a solid contributor with, currently an Associate Editor for I have worked as an interviewer/article writer on the convention scene for over twelve years and covered Wizard World Austin and New Orleans, Comicpalooza, Space City Con, Traders Village Con, Free Comic Book Day, Comic Book Literacy, small press artists and studios, as well as reviews on TV, movies, and other media.

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