During the pandemic, families and societies change in all kinds of ways.
Some people lost jobs or became more addicted than ever to their devices.

However, one father took this opportunity to keep his children occupied, and took them away from their devices they came up with stories together. And from the stories he turned a couple of them in a comic book and came up with a couple of his own, Mr Paul Gomez.
During Comic Conroe held from March 8th through 10th 2024, I had the opportunity to interview Mr. Gomez and get some insight into how his works came to be, how he felt the best way to show support for veterans he knew through writing a comic book, and how he became part of curriculum for a course at Texas A&M.

You can find the work of Paul Gomez, here at this link:https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/booshieboocircus/prelude-to-aurora
Mr. Gomez is truly established with his creations and this kind of imagination and production of value this gentleman has a future in the comic book publishing industry.