Glamorous Mug Shots: A look at Celebrity Criminals

WHEN CELEBS go bad - celebrity criminals

The life that celebrities choose to lead is not always filled with glitz and glamour. Sometimes the individuals we idolize the most lead dark and secret lives of crime. Don’t believe it? Take a look at the story of the former star, Skylar DeLeon.

5Amy Locane

Whether it’s the Loughlin/Huffman College bribery scandal or Allison Mack’s human trafficking, sex cult surprise, these cases sadly prove that there is nothing new under the sun.

Here is a look at some celebrity crimes that have shaken up Hollywood, the justice system, and fandom.

Best known for her work in Crybaby and Melrose Place, this actress was convicted of vehicular manslaughter in 2013. Found to have been driving while intoxicated, Locane was sentenced to three years. Her children and their health were considerations in sentencing.

4Jared Fogle

In the years in which Mr. Fogle was the spokesman for Subway sandwiches his appearances, and everyman quality, and the commercials and public appearances endeared him to the public at large. However, it was discovered that Mr. Focal was engaged and acts of pedophilia and had taken advantage of several young people. Mr. Fogle is currently serving a 12 and a half year sentence for his crimes and ever since pay restitution for the victims he has harmed.

3Skylar Deleon

A former commercial actor and Power Ranger, Deleon was tried and convicted of murdering three people In 2008. Deleon faked interest in purchasing a yacht and while out at Sea murdered three people – using a razor to cut one of the victim’s throats. Skylar Deleon is currently on death row for his crimes.

2Roman Polanski

Director and Hollywood icon, Polanski was tried and convicted of drugging and raping a thirteen-year-old girl. He was to be sentenced to jail time in 1978 and fled the country. After escaping punishment for his crime, he has continued to direct, and the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences did not vote to eject him from membership until 2018.

1Stephen Collins

Father figure and fake TV pastor, Collins is in the middle of an ongoing investigation, began in 2014 due to him confessing to exposing himself to young girls and molesting them. This from a taped conversation with his estranged wife while undergoing therapy.

Celebrities and crime have been linked together for a long time from the prohibition era to the modern-day these, sometimes glamorous, parts of life are connected. These Hollywood criminals show that even the rich and powerful are still bound by the laws of the land.



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