Goodbye 2020 (And Good Riddance)

‘2020 Is The Worst Year Of Our Lives.’

A statement that very few will disagree with. What is it about 2020 that makes it the absolute worst year in our existence? There’s so much to go through.

For me, between getting into my second Car Accident (which resulted in the loss of a car I was a day short of owning a full year) & my Girlfriend getting Covid I was relieved that we both made it out alive this year. Any problems I have personally suffered this year beyond these two things is inconsequential compared to anything else that’s happened.


For others, they have experienced the horrors of losing their jobs, healthcare, & loved ones. This pandemic has made me consider America to be the worst rich country in the world. Other countries believe their citizens are individually worth 18-20,000 for the year. Meanwhile, we’ll be lucky to have gotten $1800 in stimulus money in the entire year. Granted a lot of people live in the US. More than 300 million not counting the undocumented. But we have enough to bailout Companies north of a Trillion dollars? Makes sense.


For our leaders in Washington, they have made this more complicated than it needed to be. In other countries, political ideologies were put aside and put the people first.

Politicians like Ed Markey & Bernie Sanders have tried making citizens the first priority. The machine in the Washington that seems to be virtually impossible to rage against.

The latter politician should have been President not someone whose campaign was on life support and wasn’t doing well early on. Sanders’s ideology was something we desperately needed. Yes, Trump is gone, and (almost) anyone is a better choice. Biden is at least good at having a Presidential demeanor but his administration is a middle finger to people who supported Sanders’s ideas and now are more popular than ever with Medicare For All & A Green New Deal. Congratulations, America. We got rid of the worst modern-day President with the soon-to-be second worst. Good god are our standards that low that 80 million people voted for this guy?

Black Lives Matter

It’s bad enough Black Icons died this year & especially so young in Kobe Bryants & Chadwick Boseman’s cases. But they were two grains in this tragic rice. Are Breanna Taylor & George Floyd’s Murders the catalyst for ending Systematic Racism? We’ll see but people are now taking the steps to put an end to it. Like taking down Confederate statues, removing flags in Nascar. But the worst of it is their murderers got a slap on the wrist. It needs to stop. Idk if we have a God up there but if he wanted everyone to be the same he would have made it that way.

What Comes Next

The future of politics here desperately needs to change. Most of our Politicians for the last 160 years have either been Democrats or Republicans. We tried things their way long enough. I encourage people who read this to visit the Look at their FAQ page and help build them up. If we get Ranked Choice Voting in more States we have the potential to end the Duopoly once and for all.

With vaccines coming out soon we must all be responsible for what comes next. Make sure the Vaccination leads to decreases in Covid cases, continue to practice social distancing, & wear a mask.

A referendum is long overdue. Our country still has a long way to go before we ever see the end of racism. Most of us don’t see race. We are all unique and we need to embrace that rainbow unity.

So did anything good come out of 2020?

To Be Continued…

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