Hacked by the CIA : Remote Viewing In The Digital Age

On 03/07/2017, infamous research and dissemination group, Wikileaks, shared disturbing information about how the American people have been possibly hacked by their own protectors.


The chief perpetrator named in the Wikileaks documents has been revealed to be the CIA, and how it has hacked everything from IPads to routers, to even internet connected televisions. A post on Zerohedge.com, a financial advice and news site stated this in a shared article:

The (WikiLeaks) documents further reveal that the CIA is deliberately infecting personal computers with spyware, including Windows, Mac OS/X, Solaris, Linux, and other operating systems.

They’re also hacking WiFi routers to deploy software that monitors Internet activity, and have even figured out how to bypass anti-virus software so that their spyware cannot be detected.

They’ve also managed to make the rest of the world believe that Russian hackers, not the CIA, are behind all this malware and spyware.

It’s like a restatement of that old Mission: Impossible line– “Should any of your IM force be caught or killed… we’ll blame Russia.”

The CIA is pretty shameless about its activities, nicknaming its various hacking programs “Assassin”, “Medusa”, and “Brutal Kangaroo”. 

-Zerohedge.com, Mar 9, 2017 4:24 AM

Although the intelligence agencies are quick to deny any involvement in spying on their own people, in a recent OP-Ed piece by Andrew P. Napolitano, judicial analyst at Fox News Channel, he revealed the interaction between the FISA court and Congress and how that interaction has allowed the American people to be hacked on what grounds they are allowed to be spied on. In the article he wrote:

All electronic surveillance today, whether ordered by the president or authorized by a court, is done remotely by accessing the computers of every telephone and computer service provider in the United States. The NSA has 24/7/365 access to all the mainframe computers of all the telephone and computer service providers in America.

The service providers are required by law to permit this access and are prohibited by law from complaining about it publicly, challenging it in court or revealing any of its details. In passing these prohibitions, Congress violated the First Amendment, which prohibits it from infringing upon the freedom of speech

Although many citizens don’t believe that the government is capable of such actions, our history indicates that the U.S. government ‘hacked’ the lives of others via the FBI during the Civil Rights Movement era of the 60’s, the private lives of Hollywood and media personalities during the McCarty era of the 50’s.

We as a people tend to be dismissive on how far our own government will go in the name of “National Security”, from the race to fight the USSR with ESP-capable spies/remote viewing agents in the early 1970’s to the post-9/11 Patriot Act,  we dismiss that any part of our lives may be hacked, reviewed, spied on, or dissected, due to a constant climate of fear.

With these new revelations from the WikiLeaks documents and the power given to the FISA courts, we the people need to contact those in power and take action to preserve our personal freedoms. Take action using these links:



William Robinson
William Robinson
William Robinson Experienced interviewer, researcher, and original content creator. Graduated from MTI Houston TX. Was a solid contributor with Moviepilot.com, currently an Associate Editor for ViralHare.com. I have worked as an interviewer/article writer on the convention scene for over twelve years and covered Wizard World Austin and New Orleans, Comicpalooza, Space City Con, Traders Village Con, Free Comic Book Day, Comic Book Literacy, small press artists and studios, as well as reviews on TV, movies, and other media.

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