The Harrowing Of Hollywood: Gibson, Caviezel To Film The Story Of The Resurrection

Jim Caviezel recently announced that a sequel to The Passion of the Christ which retails the resurrection of Christ as well as what is known as the harrowing of hell is to be filmed shortly once again directed by Mel Gibson.


However, as a recent article covering this story at, there is a fear that as anti-semitism could be on the rise in the United States, that this new film may be an unintentional trigger for those who have anti-semitic beliefs.

However, looking at the film The Passion of Christ although it may seem that Pilate is a more sympathetic character, however, he was as complicit as others in the crucifixion. However, looking back at the scriptures we should look at Herod and Caiaphas and their proceedings against Jesus at the time.

 It is through acting and demeanor rather than words the show the trouble with Caphias and his decisions during the scourging scene that shows the emotional weight of his decision. They who are truly anti-Jewish paint all the apostles and a bad light and also claimed the Jesus himself as never Jewish. This is ridiculous since by birth and by his ancestral house Jesus was a Jew. 

Various sources claimed varying degrees of anti-Semitism within the passion of Christ, what was perceived at one point was probably greatly exaggerated due to Mr. Gibson’s drunken outburst and manic fueled rant anti-jewish. Since then Mr Gibson has entered into programs to help him with his mental health issues, as well as contritely apologized for his behavior. And supposedly, many Christians, are upset with the supposed anti-semitic subtext of the film. However, there’s also many who do not feel this way film was in any way targeting the Jewish people, but rather the religious authorities the proclaimed they know best for everyone, and the mob mentality that they helped incite.

All those who hold anti-Semitic believes could very well interpret such films as “ I told you so film”,  the truth is pure anti-semitism even if it tries to claim it is part appreciating, disregard the apostles and even Jesus himself in their heritage.

This new film should be looked upon as a coming together of the Jewish and Christian faith’s rather than as a weapon of anti-semitism. It is a belief amongst some Christian churches that the harrowing of hell included Jesus reconciling such biblical figures as Moses and Noah to God and his stand against Satan’s control over the Earth, as per those denominational beliefs. The film should be seen as continuation of the gospel story and hope that it brings rather than the fear of what may happen due to a film interpretation.

William Robinson
William Robinson
William Robinson Experienced interviewer, researcher, and original content creator. Graduated from MTI Houston TX. Was a solid contributor with, currently an Associate Editor for I have worked as an interviewer/article writer on the convention scene for over twelve years and covered Wizard World Austin and New Orleans, Comicpalooza, Space City Con, Traders Village Con, Free Comic Book Day, Comic Book Literacy, small press artists and studios, as well as reviews on TV, movies, and other media.

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