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Ignoring Bill Maher

So, he angers millions of people and his best line is 'because Trump'?

For those of you not in the know, almost comedian and talk show host, Bill Maher has in recent months became an attacker of the comic books and their fans. Beginning with a swipe at the recently deceased Stan Lee in a tweet, Maher has started a war with an industry he claims is for kids and had raised the ire of fans and pros within the fantastic media industry.

COmic books pros, celebrities, and fans have all reacted to Mr. Maher’s rants and the feud stirred up again with more salvos from Bill Maher. This is understandable with the love and passion many, if not all, fans of comics, comic books, and their related media feels for their heroes and villains.

However, there is one tactic that is being ignored in this hashtag driven, click obsessed , instant gratification society has dismissed. And that tactic is simple.

Ignore Bill Maher.

He actually appeared as himself in a cut scene from a Marvel movie, so this hypocrite is stirring people because he is losing viewers or his own self loathing, so perhaps the answer for this kind of arrogance is one fandom should embrace as a whole.

Hypocritical much? Money can indeed buy anything.

Ignore Bill Maher.

This is what Stan “The Man” would have done in his prime and even later. He ignored his detractors and kept working to make the medium better by being it’s greatest cheerleader. Even with his troubled years at ,Timely then on to Marvel, he became a spokesman that showed his love and enjoyment of the four color fantasies he helped drive to the mainstream.

Hashtag it, and spread the word because the more we rant  about him, the more he enjoys it. A guy that has built his whole career on negative publicity and controversy, can only revel in the attention we give him now.

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