Immigrants are not the only thing President Trump wants to keep out of the country…

Next time your flying back home from your Summer trip to Europe, you may find yourself without your most reliable companion: your Laptop.

Recent security measures passed by the Trump administration in March, and supported by intel received by the DHS (our favorite new kids on the block), banned any electronic device larger than a handheld smart phone at 10 airports throughout the Middle-East and Africa from boarding any flights bound for the States. The Dept. of Homeland Security today (5/11/17) has announced a possible expansion of this ban, extending to major airports in Europe. The DHS states that they are acting on a very specific threat, not a general one.

The ban seems to be a direct move to counter innovative terror tactics that U.S. Intelligence says ISIS is now developing; specifically laptops stored in suitcases at airports. DHS sources told CNN on 4/1/17, “As a matter of policy, we do not publicly discuss specific intelligence information. However, evaluated intelligence indicates that terrorist groups continue to target commercial aviation, to include smuggling explosive devices in electronics…”[1]

American and European Aviation agencies have always worked very closely and have always followed each other’s regulations very closely. European officials think that the move could hurt the relationship, the U.S. Economy, and doesn’t understand why the U.S. Wouldn’t ban outgoing flights from the U.S. as well. The DHS commented, “The reason we are not looking at expanding the ban to flights leaving the U.S. is because the intel does not suggest that’s necessary. The intelligence points to something else beyond that. This is not an indictment on Europe’s security measures. We are acting on specific intelligence.”[2]

Is it just me, or does that sound like a #SorrybutnotsoSorry kind of comment. The Europeans have a point; they have a couple actually. First, it would hurt the U.S. Economy – 40% of overseas flights are coming from Europe[3], and I don’t have a % for how many laptops are involved, but my money is on a high number. Many business men and woman traveling for work will be seriously hindered without their most vital gadget.

The second point, and I think a uniquely American one, is that of surrendering freedoms in lieu of security measures that MIGHT be a POSSIBLE threat. There has been no evidence to support that ISIS or other likeminded terrorist groups are focusing their efforts of planning bombs in electronic devises; or at least none that the Intel community can share with us…and we have all seen how accurate they are – this coming from someone formerly of the Intel Community. We all know that Terrorists bent on destruction will use any means necessary to cause harm, electronics included. Don’t get me wrong, I believe we need to do what we can to stop and minimize terrorist threats, but not at the expense of our American freedoms. I don’t want to think about what might be regulated next in the guise of security against terror attacks. If we allow the enemy – and yes, I do use the word Enemy…deal with it – to turn even our ideals, technology, and lifestyle against us, they will have won; and soon thereafter, there would be no American Ideal to speak of.

Athanasios (Devin) Green, May 11, 2017

[1]; First on CNN: New terrorist laptop bombs may evade airport security, intel sources say. Pub. Mar 31, 2017. Accessed May 11, 2017.

[2] CNN Mobile app; Europe braces for laptop ban on flights to U.S. by Charles Riley and Rene Marsh. Pub. May 11, 2017. Accessed May 11, 2017.

[3] Ibid.

Athanasios (Devin) Green
Athanasios (Devin) Green
Christian, Dungeon Master, Auto claims adjuster, Father, Husband, Reader, Writer, Uber Driver ... I do it all!

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